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Content description VCZHU189

Chinese: Background Language Learner F–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Understanding / Systems of language
Content description
Analyse and compose different types of texts for different purposes, using appropriate linguistic, textual and cultural elements
  1. comparing how statistical data such as census information or surveys is collated and referred to in Chinese and English texts, including consideration of the levels of in-text referencing required across both languages
  2. analysing linguistic, stylistic and textual features of a range of samples of the same genre to compare the choices made by authors and the impact of those choices, for example, comparing 这位老人已经七十多岁了, 他每天要一上一下地打扫一千八百多级石阶, 该是多么辛苦啊! and 这位老人年纪大了,要打扫很多石阶,这些石阶大概有一千八百多级,非常辛苦
  3. analysing the layout of magazines and online texts and the deliberate choices of image, font and words to enhance understanding of key ideas and author positioning
  4. examining the language of newspapers, identifying commonly encountered linguistic terms and considering the concise ways in which world events are reported in Chinese media
  5. using models of literary styles to create texts and present them in multiple ways, for example, producing an article with 排比 to enhance emotional impact, and reading it aloud to peers, using volume, stress and facial expression to reflect emotions
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