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Content description VCZHU205

Chinese: Background Language Learner 7–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Understanding / Systems of language
Content description
Identify how information and ideas are organised in a range of genres, and compare the textual features of narratives in Chinese and English to determine features which are distinctive to Chinese
  1. comparing the expression of ideas in diverse traditional and contemporary literary texts, for example, exploring the different ways in which the story of 孙悟空 is told in a cartoon, story or TV show
  2. recognising and applying features of diverse text types, for example, comparing features of narrative, recount, report and procedure
  3. comparing the ways in which similar ideas and concepts are presented in diverse genres, discussing the impact of genre choice on text structure and language use (for example, in persuasive and evaluative texts) and examining how language choices achieve the desired effect
  4. exploring the traditional structure of persuasive texts in Chinese (for example, 总起-分述-总结) and discussing its effectiveness
  5. reading samples of formal texts such as news articles, official letters and informative reports, and identifying how language use compares to their own everyday speech
  6. analysing and explaining the organisation and development of ideas or an argument in a range of genres, including textual features such as paragraphing
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