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Content description VCZHU222

Chinese: Background Language Learner 7–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Understanding / Language variation and change
Content description
Recognise how gender, social class and age impact on language use in formal and informal contexts
  1. observing interactions between speakers and identifying examples of how language is adapted as the roles and positions of participants are established, for example, moving to more formal language once one participant is identified as a person of authority
  2. reading texts such as 《人民日报》, and identifying words and phrases that are used to convey authority or objectivity, such as how to name students with different achievements (for example, 尖子生,中间生,临界生 优秀学生, 普通学生,后进的有潜力学生) in a report on school education
  3. discussing the transferability of expressions and words across different settings, for example, following the debate on the use of internet language in education and in the media (for example, the use of 网络语言 in student’s 写作)
  4. comparing the same meaning conveyed in speech and writing, (for example, in speech (你不可以进去) and on a sign (闲人免进)) and discussing why the language may vary, including aspects such as interactivity and authority
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