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Content description VCZHU258

Chinese: First Language Learner 7–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Understanding / Systems of language
Content description
Discuss key stylistic features of different text types, including classical literature
  1. identifying stylistic features of formal text types, for example, 作业报告 ;倡议书;竞选演说
  2. comparing the way an argument is developed in different languages, for example, in English the writer’s position is stated upfront whereas in Chinese it is generally left until the conclusion
  3. analysing how to position oneself when writing for different purposes, for example, in persuasive and evaluative writing (说服: 独生子女政策给中国的发展带来了很多好处; 议论: 独生子女政策对中国的发展利弊参半)
  4. exploring how to incorporate statistical data, quotations and research-based evidence in academic texts, for example, 据统计, 计划生育政策实行以来, 中国的人口少生了三亿
  5. identifying features of classical writing such as 虚词 particles 之、乎、者、也, and word reductions such as 若 (犹如,好像) 父(父亲,爸爸)
  6. exploring writing techniques in classical Chinese, such as the four steps in composing an essay (起承转合)
  7. using terms derived from classical literature in their own writing, for example, 世有伯乐,然后有千里马;千里马常有,而伯乐不常有。(韩愈:《杂说(四)》)
  8. determining the relevance and value of成语 and 歇后语 in developing their own writing
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