create and interpret grid reference systems using grid references and directions to locate and describe positions and pathways
interpreting a grid reference map of a familiar location of interest, such as a map of the showgrounds, a food festival, botanical garden, a park in the local area or a train station, and writing instructions using grid references for a friend to find them at a specified location
recognising that a spreadsheet uses a grid reference system, locating and entering data in cells, and using a spreadsheet to record data collected through observations or experiments
comparing and contrasting, describing and locating landmarks, people or things in a bird’s-eye picture of a busy scene, such as people in a park, initially without a transparent grid reference system overlaid on the picture and then with the grid overlaid; and noticing how the grid helps to pinpoint things quickly and easily
using different-sized grids as a tool to enlarge an image or artwork
VC2M4SP03 | Mathematics | Mathematics Version 2.0 | Level 4 | Space