VCHHC121 | The Humanities | History | Levels 9 and 10 | Historical Concepts and Skills | Chronology
VCGGC099 | The Humanities | Geography | Levels 7 and 8 | Geographical Concepts and Skills | Place, space and interconnection
VCEBW008 | The Humanities | Economics and Business | Levels 5 and 6 | Work and Work Futures
VCMMG292 | Mathematics | Level 8 | Measurement and Geometry | Geometric reasoning
VCSSU033 | Science | Level D | Science Understanding | Chemical sciences
VCELA292 | Curriculum content | English | Level 4 | Writing | Language
VCSSU063 | Science | Levels 3 and 4 | Science Understanding | Physical sciences
VCASFU194 | Languages | Auslan | Second Language Learner | F–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8 | Understanding | Systems of language
VC2M5ST02 | Mathematics | Mathematics Version 2.0 | Level 5 | Statistics
VCPSCSE018 | Capabilities | Personal and Social Capability | Levels 3 and 4 | Self-Awareness and Management | Development of resilience
VCSSU077 | Science | Levels 5 and 6 | Science Understanding | Chemical sciences
VCSSU045 | Science | Foundation to Level 2 | Science Understanding | Chemical sciences
VCHPEP143 | Health and Physical Education | Levels 9 and 10 | Personal, Social and Community Health | Being healthy, safe and active
VCHHK065 | The Humanities | History | Foundation to Level 2 | Historical Knowledge | Community histories
VCEBW016 | The Humanities | Economics and Business | Levels 7 and 8 | Work and Work Futures
VCGGK117 | The Humanities | Geography | Levels 7 and 8 | Geographical Knowledge | Landforms and landscapes
VCHHC126 | The Humanities | History | Levels 9 and 10 | Historical Concepts and Skills | Continuity and change
VCESU193 | Languages | Spanish | F–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10 | Understanding | Systems of language
لو: لو نجحت، سوف يشتري لي أبي محمولاً جديداً
أخي يلعب كثيرا لكن أختي تدرس دائم
لماذا أحضرت الكرة معك إلى الصف؟ هل تقدر أن تعطيني القلم؟ لمَ تحب الموسيقى؟
بيت/بيوت كبيرة؛ كرسي/كراسي جديدة؛ كتاب/كتب قيمة؛ يوم/أيام جميلة؛ تلميذ/تلاميذ مجتهدون؛ معلمون ملتزمون
هذا أقل من هذا؛ الكتاب أخف من الكرسي؛ العلوم أفضل من الرياضة
هذان كتابان جديدان؛ هاتان صديقتان وفيتان
للمرة المليون أكرر هذه العبارة
لنذهب إلى المعلم ونسأله؛ هيا حاول مرة ثانية؛ ممتاز! أحسنت؛ تكلم مع سامر
ربما نذهب إلى السينما يوم السبت ؛ قد أسافر في العطلة
VCARU030 | Languages | Arabic | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10 | Understanding | Systems of language
VCMMG313 | Mathematics | Level 9 | Measurement and Geometry | Using units of measurement