The Level A1 curriculum supports students as they develop basic knowledge, understanding and skills in English. Through immersion in English, students build their capacity to participate in routine and familiar exchanges in English with their peers. As a result, they begin to recognise the ways...
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway A: Early immersion | EAL
The Level BL curriculum supports students as they develop basic knowledge, understanding and skills in English. Through immersion in English, students build their capacity to initiate and sustain simple conversations with their peers. The curriculum covers grammatical rules that students begin...
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway B: Mid immersion | EAL
The Level CL curriculum supports students as they develop basic knowledge, understanding and skills in English. Through immersion in English, students build their capacity to participate in routine and familiar exchanges in English with their peers. The curriculum covers the practising of pronunciation...
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway C: Late immersion | EAL
The Level B2 curriculum develops students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to their spoken English. Students learn to negotiate simple exchanges in English, combining their understanding of both verbal and non-verbal language. They refine and further develop a wide range of fundamental...
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway B: Mid immersion | EAL
The Level B3 curriculum provides opportunities to enhance students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to their spoken English. Students learn to respond to and use English appropriately in a wide range of contexts. The curriculum focuses on pronunciation, stress and intonation in...
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway B: Mid immersion | EAL
The Level C2 curriculum supports students to enhance their knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to spoken English. At this level, students learn to initiate and negotiate topics when speaking in English in a range of contexts. The curriculum focuses on pronunciation, stress and intonation...
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway C: Late immersion | EAL
Students learn the sounds and written form of Indonesian. They notice similarities and differences between Indonesian and English, such as similar vocabulary and word order and differences in the position of adjectives and possessive pronouns. Students ask questions in English about Indonesia...
Level description | Languages | Indonesian | F–10 Sequence
The Level C3 curriculum supports students to expand their knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to their spoken English. At this level, students learn to listen, question and respond in English in a broad range of contexts. Students are provided with a variety of listening and speaking...
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway C: Late immersion | EAL
The Level A2 curriculum supports students to expand their repertoire of spoken and written English. Students explore communication in predictable social situations. Students learn to identify key points in familiar topics and to develop their capacity to use images as cues to decode meaning.
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway A: Early immersion | EAL
The curriculum for Level B1 supports students to develop their communication skills both verbally and non-verbally. Students follow simple instructions, answer predictable questions, make basic requests and express needs simply. Through active participation in conversations, students learn about...
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway B: Mid immersion | EAL
The curriculum for Level C1 supports students to develop their communication skills both verbally and non-verbally. It provides a range of opportunities for students to interact with their peers. Through active participation in conversations, students learn about the ways to apply formulaic language...
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway C: Late immersion | EAL
In these levels there is an emphasis on developing students’ oral language to enable them to participate in class activities. They repeat sounds, particularly of vowels, as modelled by the teacher and aural texts. Students use formulaic language and single-idea phrases. They recognise the...
Level description | Languages | Roman Alphabet Languages | F–10 Sequence
Students are immersed in listening to, viewing and reading Chinese. They become aware of Chinese as a separate language to English and that other languages exist within their own classroom, their country and overseas. They begin to recognise the importance of tone in Chinese speech and observe...
Level description | Languages | Chinese | Second Language Learner | F–10 Sequence
Students recognise tones as an important element of Chinese speech and learn how the sounds of Chinese can be encoded in Pinyin, using Roman letters that often convey different sounds than those which students are accustomed to in English. They learn to recognise basic character forms that represent...
Level description | Languages | Chinese | Background Language Learner | F–10 Sequence
The Level C4 curriculum supports students to expand their knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to their spoken English in order to make them more autonomous users of language. At this level, students learn to use their expanding vocabulary and knowledge of a broad range of grammatical...
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway C: Late immersion | EAL
Students can identify the handshape movement and location of signs. Depending on their access to home-sign systems, they make use of varying levels of handling or SASS depicting signs, gradually learning the conventions of Auslan. They learn to use entity depicting signs to discuss movement and...
Level description | Languages | Auslan | First Language Learner | 7–10 Sequence
Students interact with peers and the teacher in a variety of communicative activities where grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation are purposefully integrated. They primarily engage in a variety of listening and viewing activities, and understand familiar stories, songs and poems. Language use...
Level description | Languages | Non-Roman Alphabet Languages | F–10 Sequence
Students participate orally in classroom routines and tasks. They respond to teacher-generated questions about texts. Students undertake word building and language exercises. They participate in shared reading and create texts using modelled language.
Students become increasingly aware that Indonesian...
Level description | Languages | Indonesian | F–10 Sequence
Students become familiar with how the sounds of the Arabic language are represented in letters and words. They practise pronunciation and intonation through activities such as reciting rhymes and singing songs, and experiment with sounds, short and long vowels, phonemes, words, simple phrases...
Level description | Languages | Arabic | F–10 Sequence
The language is learnt in parallel with English language and literacy. While the learning of the language differs from the learning of English, each supports and enriches the other. The language is used in classroom interactions, routines and activities, supported by the use of materials and resources...
Level description | Languages | Non-Roman Alphabet Languages | F–10 Sequence