In Levels 9 and 10, the curriculum focus is on explaining phenomena involving science and its applications. Students consider both classic and contemporary science contexts to explain the operation of systems at a range of scales. At a microscopic scale, they consider the atom as a system of protons...
Level description | Science
In Level C, students intentionally participate in learning experiences and respond more consistently to prompts and simple clear directions from the teacher to support them to learn. They will have opportunities to create a range of digital solutions through structured learning experiences and...
Level description | Technologies | Digital Technologies
In Level B, students play and use structured activities to make observations and use their senses to investigate the behaviours and properties of everyday objects, materials and living things. They explore change in the world around them, including changes that impact on them, for example the...
Level description | Science
In Level C, students intentionally participate in investigations that require them to explore, observe and identify properties of everyday objects, materials and living things. They explore change in the world around them, including changes that impact on them, for example the weather, and changes...
Level description | Science
In Level D, students are building their independence to observe and share what they discover about the characteristics and properties of everyday objects, materials and living things. They explore change in the world around them, including changes that impact on them, for example the weather,...
Level description | Science
Students apply the principles of pronunciation for the reading of Latin texts, for example, stressing the correct syllables, or acknowledging elision in poetry. They apply an extended knowledge of accidence and syntax, including subordinate clauses, finite and non-finite verb forms, pronoun forms...
Level description | Languages | Latin
In Foundation to Level 2, students are introduced to common digital systems and patterns that exist within data they collect. Students organise, manipulate and present this data, including numerical, categorical, text, image, audio and video data, in creative ways to create meaning.
Students use...
Level description | Technologies | Digital Technologies
In Foundation to Level 2, the curriculum focus is on awareness of self and the local world. Students observe changes that can be large or small and happen quickly or slowly. They explore the properties of familiar objects and phenomena, identifying similarities and differences. Students observe...
Level description | Science
In Levels 7 and 8, the curriculum focus is on explaining phenomena involving science and its applications. Students explain the role of classification in ordering and organising information about living and non-living things. They classify the diversity of life on Earth into major taxonomic groups...
Level description | Science
Students apply the principles of pronunciation for the reading of Classical Greek texts, for example, using accentuation, crasis and elision to maintain speech flow. They apply an extended knowledge of accidence and syntax, including parts of speech, case, gender, number, person, declension, for example,
Level description | Languages | Classical Greek
From Foundation to Level 2, the curriculum focuses on developing the knowledge, skills and understanding to express reasoning and to problem solve and learn more effectively. Students become familiar with key vocabulary and simple strategies to structure and improve thinking. Students develop...
Level description | Capabilities | Critical and Creative Thinking
In Level B, the curriculum focuses on developing students understanding of the world around them, how to learn and solve everyday problems. Students become familiar with simple strategies to structure and understand the world and thinking. Students are exposed to thinking processes.
Level description | Capabilities | Critical and Creative Thinking
In Levels 9 and 10, the curriculum focuses on developing the knowledge, skills and understanding to recognise and manage what is often implicit in thinking. Students learn and apply techniques to progress, analyse and evaluate thinking. Students develop an understanding that it is often necessary...
Level description | Capabilities | Critical and Creative Thinking
From Foundation to Level 2, the curriculum focuses on developing the knowledge, skills and understandings to approach ethical problems and evaluate outcomes. Students develop a vocabulary to engage with ethical problems and an understanding that personal feelings can effect decision-making and actions.
Level description | Capabilities | Ethical Capability
In Levels 3 and 4, the curriculum focuses on developing the knowledge, skills and understandings to evaluate particular acts, and to identify and critically respond to ethical problems. Students extend their vocabulary and begin to reflect on means and ends. Students develop an understanding that...
Level description | Capabilities | Ethical Capability
In Levels 5 and 6, the curriculum focuses on developing the knowledge, skills and understanding to test the strength of thinking. Students develop their capacity to deliberately manage their thinking. Students explore common errors that can occur in thinking.
Level description | Capabilities | Critical and Creative Thinking
In Levels 7 and 8, the curriculum focuses on developing the knowledge, skills and understanding to analyse thinking and the selection and application of a range of techniques to support effective thinking. Students learn strategies to assist them synthesise their thinking. Students develop an...
Level description | Capabilities | Critical and Creative Thinking
In Levels 5 and 6, the curriculum focuses on developing the knowledge, skills and understandings to evaluate the significance of ethical matters. Students explore the basis of a range of ethical principles and reflect on means and ends. Students consider decision-making approaches based on thinking...
Level description | Capabilities | Ethical Capability
In Levels 7 and 8, the curriculum focuses on developing the knowledge, skills and understandings to explore the tensions related to ethical concepts and decision making. Students extend their exploration of the two major ways to approach ethical deliberation – thinking about consequences...
Level description | Capabilities | Ethical Capability
From Foundation to Level 2, the curriculum focus is on developing the knowledge, skills and understandings to enable students to learn about cultures in their immediate world. For students at Foundation to level 2, learning typically focuses on their immediate family, home, school and friends....
Level description | Capabilities | Intercultural Capability