Economics and Business is organised by six strands. Throughout these strands the study of economics and business issues, events and business case studies form an integral component of the curriculum. The content is intended to be taught through relevant contexts, which will help students make...
Overview material | Economics and Business
The Classical Greek language belongs to the Indo-European linguistic family. It is thus related to most of the languages of Europe, to Old Persian and, through Sanskrit, to several major Indian languages.
Classical Greek is...
Overview material | Classical Greek
Latin developed from a local dialect of central Italy to become the official language of ancient Rome, transmitting Roman law, government, literature and social and cultural knowledge and values throughout much of Europe, North Africa...
Overview material | Latin
Students develop knowledge, understanding and skills across the strands of Language, Literature and Literacy. Each strand contributes its own distinctive goals, body of knowledge, history of ideas and interests to the study of English.
In the Language...
Overview material | English
The English curriculum is organised by language modes and strands.
The language modes are interrelated and the learning in one often supports and extends learning of the others. Each content description has been placed in the mode which is the major focus of its learning.
Overview material | English
The VCAA has published the Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0. To view the curriculum, familiarisation resources and support material, go to the Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0 website.
Go to the VCAA website to explore the timeline for familiarisation and implementation of...
Overview material | Health and Physical Education
Learning in Mathematics emphasises the importance of providing opportunities for students to develop proficiency in mathematics. This development of proficiency is achieved in how content is explored or developed, that is, how students experience the thinking and doing of mathematics.
Overview material | Mathematics Version 2.0
The Health and Physical Education curriculum plays a significant role in building the knowledge, skills and understandings that apply to a range of health, wellbeing, safety and movement contexts, including:
Overview material | Health and Physical Education
Auslan (Australian Sign Language) is the language of the Deaf community of Australia and is descended from British Sign Language (BSL). Auslan and other signed languages around the world are fully-fledged languages that are visual-gestural in nature. They have a complete set of linguistic...
Overview material | Auslan