French is an Indo-European language and belongs to the family of Romance languages derived from the spoken Latin language of the Roman Empire. It is closely related to English, due to the shared influence of Latin and to the fact that French was the official language of...
Overview material | French
The Auslan curriculum takes account of different entry points into language learning across F–10, which reflects current practice in language teaching.
There are two possible learning sequences:
Overview material | Auslan
The English as an Additional Language (EAL) curriculum is organised by pathways, language modes and strands.
The EAL curriculum is a continuum structured as three EAL pathways (A, B, C). Each pathway describes a different stage of English-language learning (early, mid and late), and...
Overview material | English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Auslan (Australian Sign Language) is the language of the Deaf community of Australia and is descended from British Sign Language (BSL). Auslan and other signed languages around the world are fully-fledged languages that are visual-gestural in nature. They have a complete set of linguistic...
Overview material | Auslan