By the end of Level 8, students explain how cultural practices may change over time in a range of contexts. They understand how cultural groups can be represented, and comment on the effects of these representations.
Students understand the challenges and benefits of living and working in culturally...
Level description | Capabilities | Intercultural Capability | Levels 7 and 8
By the end of Level C, students can recognise some key emotions and identify events or people that impact on these feelings. They can complete some familiar tasks unaided and try some new activities.
Students identify and name some class members and familiar adults. They follow simple rules...
Level description | Capabilities | Personal and Social Capability | Level C
By the end of Level D, students can name emotional responses and identify the cause of emotions. They can identify some characteristics of self. They use cues and prompts to solve simple problems.
Students can identify people associated with particular events and routines. They attend to and...
Level description | Capabilities | Personal and Social Capability | Level D
By the end of Level 6, students demonstrate an understanding of how beliefs and practices can be influenced by culture and explain how intercultural experiences can influence beliefs and behaviours.
Students identify the barriers to and means of reaching understandings within and between culturally...
Level description | Capabilities | Intercultural Capability | Levels 5 and 6
By the end of Level D, students answer simple questions related to their own investigation, their feelings or concept. They identify and describe an event or scientific experiment. They generate ideas based on past experience and make choices based on their personal preferences.
Students can...
Level description | Capabilities | Critical and Creative Thinking | Level D
By the end of Level A, students react to significant changes in their environment. Students generate ideas by using their senses to explore the characteristics of everyday objects and make choices between objects.
Students begin to identify their personal preference and make choices about what...
Level description | Capabilities | Critical and Creative Thinking | Level A
By the end of Level 10, students explain connections and distinctions between ethical concepts, identifying areas of contestability in their meanings and relative value.
Students analyse and evaluate contested approaches to thinking about consequences and duties in relation to ethical issues. They...
Level description | Capabilities | Ethical Capability | Levels 9 and 10
By the end of Level 8, students explain different ways ethical concepts are represented and analyse their value to society, identifying areas of contestability. They articulate how criteria can be applied to determine the importance of ethical concerns.
Students analyse the differences in principles...
Level description | Capabilities | Ethical Capability | Levels 7 and 8
By the end of Level C, students answer simple questions about familiar events and topics. They identify a familiar idea or experience with support and make choices from a range of options.
Students can identify their own point of view. They use personal experience and examples to explain reasons...
Level description | Capabilities | Critical and Creative Thinking | Level C
By the end of Level 6, students apply questioning as a tool to focus or expand thinking. They use appropriate techniques to copy, borrow and compare aspects of existing solutions in order to identify relationships and apply these to new situations.
Students distinguish between valid and sound...
Level description | Capabilities | Critical and Creative Thinking | Levels 5 and 6