Students use language features to create coherence and add detail to their texts. They make use of their increasing knowledge of phonics, and they understand how to express an opinion based on information in a text. They create texts that show understanding of how images and detail can be used...
Level description | English | Level 4 | Writing
Students can collaborate, listen for key points in discussions and use the information to carry out tasks. They use language features to create coherence and add detail to their texts. They understand how to express an opinion based on information in a text. They create texts that show understanding...
Level description | English | Level 4 | Speaking and Listening
By the end of Level 4, students understand that texts have different structures depending on the purpose and context. They explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used to engage the interest of audiences and can describe literal and implied meaning connecting ideas in different...
Level description | English | Level 4 | Reading and Viewing