By the end of the Foundation level, students use questioning and monitoring strategies to make meaning from texts. They recall one or two events from texts with familiar topics. They understand that there are different types of texts and that these can have similar characteristics. They identify...
Level description | English | Foundation Level | Reading and Viewing
Students listen to and react to some familiar objects, people, words and sounds within the environment by turning head, looking, reaching out and/or vocalising. They respond to their name and to familiar items when named. Students show an interest in others and an awareness of everyday social...
Level description | English | Level A | Speaking and Listening
By the end of Level 3, students understand how content can be organised using different text structures depending on the purpose of the text. They understand how language features, images and vocabulary choices are used for different effects. They read texts that contain varied sentence structures...
Level description | English | Level 3 | Reading and Viewing
Students listen for ways features within texts can be manipulated to achieve particular effects. They show how the selection of language features can achieve precision and stylistic effect. They explain different viewpoints, attitudes and perspectives through the development of cohesive and logical...
Level description | English | Level 10 | Speaking and Listening
By the end of Level C, can identify keys routines and events within their daily life. Students identify key members of their family and how they have changed over time. They recognise some important family events and some objects used in celebrations. They recognise some significant artefacts...
Level description | The Humanities | History | Level C
By the end of Level D, students identify similarities and differences between families in their class. They identify many important family events and indicate how they were commemorated. Students use images to describe a significant family, personal event, site or person of significance.
Level description | The Humanities | History | Level D
By the end of Level 4, students use concrete examples from a range of contexts to explain the contested meaning of concepts and significance of acts. They explain how to identify ethical considerations in problems.
Students use examples to evaluate ethical actions in relation to their outcomes....
Level description | Capabilities | Ethical Capability | Levels 3 and 4
By the end of Level 6, students evaluate the meaning of ethical concepts and analyse their value, identifying areas of contestability. They explain different ways to respond to ethical problems and identify issues related to these.
Students identify different ethical issues associated with a particular...
Level description | Capabilities | Ethical Capability | Levels 5 and 6
By the end of Level 10, students use written and spoken Korean to interact with peers, teachers and other Korean speakers in face-to-face, local and virtual communications. They exchange information and opinions about personal and immediate interests and experiences and about broader topics of...
Level description | Languages | Korean | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10
At Level A1 students read and engage with a wide range of short, simple, repetitive texts, including shared recounts and fictional and everyday texts. These texts may be in print or visual form.
Students read in context some familiar words, phrases, numbers and signs. They complete simple...
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway A: Early immersion | EAL | Level A1 | Reading and Viewing
At Level C4 students compare and make judgments about different texts (such as texts on the same topic by different authors) and read a wide range of accessible and culturally appropriate texts from across the curriculum with a high degree of independence. These texts may be print or digital texts...
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway A: Early immersion | EAL | Level C4 | Reading and Viewing
At Level BL students read a wide range of familiar, short, simple, repetitive fictional and everyday texts, and complete basic structured activities based on them. These texts may be print or digital, including visual, multimodal and interactive.
Students retell a simple and familiar story...
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway B: Mid immersion | EAL | Level BL | Reading and Viewing
By the end of Level 4, students explain how to construct open and closed questions and use them for different purposes. Students select and apply techniques to generate a range of ideas that extend how problems are solved.
Students describe and structure arguments with clearly identified aims,...
Level description | Capabilities | Critical and Creative Thinking | Levels 3 and 4
By the end of Level 6, students explain the functions of digital system components and how digital systems are connected to form networks that transmit data.
Students explain how digital systems use whole numbers as a basis for representing a variety of data types. They manage the creation and...
Level description | Technologies | Digital Technologies | Levels 5 and 6
At Level A1 students communicate their ideas and experiences simply through drawings, copied writing, dictated texts and their own basic writing, showing evidence of a developing understanding of the writing process. They contribute to shared writing activities. They demonstrate an early awareness...
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway A: Early immersion | EAL | Level A1 | Writing
At Level B1 students communicate verbally and non-verbally in routine social and classroom situations, understanding controlled English that is supported by its immediate context. They use formulas, well-rehearsed and common sentence patterns, and short, simple utterances to contribute relatively...
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway A: Early immersion | EAL | Level B1 | Speaking and Listening
At Level C4 students write, with appropriate support, the full range of extended fictional and factual text types undertaken across the curriculum. With support they vary their writing to be consistent with the text type, the context and the needs of the reader, presenting similar content in different...
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway A: Early immersion | EAL | Level C4 | Writing
Students listen to and use spoken language to acknowledge and answer a person who communicates with them, giving a response of up to three words. Students use some social conventions during social interaction, such as making eye contact, show some understanding of turn taking, use appropriate...
Level description | English | Level D | Speaking and Listening
By the end of Level 6, students use the elements of drama to shape character, voice and movement in improvisation, play-building and performances of devised and scripted drama for audiences.
Students explain how dramatic action and meaning is communicated in drama they make, perform and view. They...
Level description | The Arts | Drama | Levels 5 and 6
By the end of Level 2, students identify and describe ethical concepts using illustrative examples from familiar situations and a basic vocabulary about ethical problems and their outcomes.
Students identify and explain acts and situations that have ethical dimensions, using illustrative examples...
Level description | Capabilities | Ethical Capability | Foundation to Level 2