VCEALL340 | Curriculum content | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Level B2 | Speaking and Listening | Linguistic Structures and Features
At Level B2 students communicate and learn English in predictable social and learning situations, understanding some de-contextualised English and expressing simple messages in basic English. They negotiate simple transactions and ask and answer basic questions on familiar topics, using familiar...
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway A: Early immersion | EAL | Level B2 | Speaking and Listening
The Level B2 curriculum develops students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to their spoken English. Students learn to negotiate simple exchanges in English, combining their understanding of both verbal and non-verbal language. They refine and further develop a wide range of fundamental...
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway B: Mid immersion | EAL
The Level BL curriculum supports students as they develop basic knowledge, understanding and skills in English. Through immersion in English, students build their capacity to initiate and sustain simple conversations with their peers. The curriculum covers grammatical rules that students begin...
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway B: Mid immersion | EAL
The Level C2 curriculum supports students to enhance their knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to spoken English. At this level, students learn to initiate and negotiate topics when speaking in English in a range of contexts. The curriculum focuses on pronunciation, stress and intonation...
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway C: Late immersion | EAL
By the end of the Foundation level, students use questioning and monitoring strategies to make meaning from texts. They recall one or two events from texts with familiar topics. They understand that there are different types of texts and that these can have similar characteristics. They identify...
Level description | English | Foundation Level | Reading and Viewing
By the end of Level 1, students understand the different purposes of texts. They make connections to personal experience when explaining characters and main events in short texts. They identify that texts serve different purposes and that this affects how they are organised. They are able to read...
Level description | English | Level 1 | Reading and Viewing
In Level B, students communicate with peers, teachers and known adults. Opportunities are provided for students to explore English knowledge, understanding, skills and processes through everyday experiences, personal interests and significant events. Students begin to understand that communication...
Level description | English
VCEALL515 | Curriculum content | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Level CL | Reading and Viewing | Linguistic Structures and Features
VCEALL494 | Curriculum content | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Level CL | Speaking and Listening | Linguistic Structures and Features
VCEALL557 | Curriculum content | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Level C1 | Speaking and Listening | Linguistic Structures and Features
VCEALL282 | Curriculum content | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Level B1 | Reading and Viewing | Linguistic Structures and Features
VCELA036 | Curriculum content | English | Level B | Reading and Viewing | Language
VCELY083 | Curriculum content | English | Level C | Reading and Viewing | Literacy
VCELY332 | Curriculum content | English | Level 5 | Writing | Literacy
VCELY275 | Curriculum content | English | Level 3 | Speaking and Listening | Literacy
The Level C3 curriculum supports students to expand their knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to their spoken English. At this level, students learn to listen, question and respond in English in a broad range of contexts. Students are provided with a variety of listening and speaking...
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway C: Late immersion | EAL
The English as an Additional Language (EAL) curriculum is central to the learning and development of all young Australians for whom English is not their home language. Through learning EAL, students build their capacity to communicate confidently and effectively. This learning also...
Overview material | English as an Additional Language (EAL)
VCEALA191 | Curriculum content | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Level BL | Reading and Viewing | Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
VCEALC675 | Curriculum content | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Level C3 | Speaking and Listening | Communication