Access ideas and information from a range of spoken, print and multimodal texts, compare views, state opinions, and present information in different formats to inform or interest others
examining factual information from a range of print, online/web-based travel and leisure texts, using it to compare options and make suggestions, for example, しんかんせんはとても高いですが、べんりだと思います。東京から京都まで二時間半かかります。バスで八時間ぐらいかかります。
understanding the gist and recording specific details from texts such as websites, newspaper articles, documentaries, reports or podcasts on topics such as popular culture, schools, sports or leisure activities in Japan
obtaining and using information from a range of media texts, including television weather reports, interviews and digital video clips, and summarising key points through presentation modes such as graphs, charts, diagrams, and written or digital reports
identifying variations in spoken and written informative and persuasive texts, for example, print, television and online advertisements, noticing differences in language according to intended audience
VCJAC022 | Languages | Japanese | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10 | Communicating | Informing