VCJAU159 | Languages | Japanese | F–10 Sequence | Levels 5 and 6 | Understanding | Systems of language
VCKOU127 | Languages | Korean | F–10 Sequence | Foundation to Level 2 | Understanding | Systems of language
VCZHC233 | Languages | Chinese | First Language Learner | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8 | Communicating | Translating
Languages can be identified differently, depending on if one is taking a community or linguistic perspective. The two views are complementary, allowing understanding of different aspects of language.
From a community perspective, a language is identified with a...
Overview material | Victorian Aboriginal Languages
By the end of Level 2, students interact with the teaching team, class visitors and each other to share information about themselves, their families, friends, routines, pastimes and experiences. They use fingerspelling or sign names as appropriate and lexical adjectives or size and shape specifiers...
Level description | Languages | Auslan | First Language Learner | F–10 Sequence | Foundation to Level 2
By the end of Level 8, students interact with the teaching team, class visitors and each other to share information about themselves, their families, friends, routines, pastimes and experiences. They refer to family members and classmates using fingerspelling or sign names as appropriate, and...
Level description | Languages | Auslan | First Language Learner | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8
By the end of Level 8, students use French to interact with each other, teachers and online French-speaking contacts, to exchange information, opinions, experiences, thoughts and feelings about themselves, their families and friends. They initiate and sustain conversation by using active-listening...
Level description | Languages | French | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8
By the end of Level 8, students share information about their personal worlds, including personal details, family, friends, interests, likes, dislikes and preferences. They interact with others to carry out transactions, participate in class routines and socialise. They use modelled language and...
Level description | Languages | German | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8
By the end of Level 8, students use Indonesian to interact and exchange ideas, experiences and interests with teachers, peers and others. They pronounce polysyllabic words such as mendengarkan, pekerjaan and menyiapkan, stressing the penultimate syllable with some accuracy. When interacting, they...
Level description | Languages | Indonesian | F–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8
By the end of Level 8, students use Japanese to interact with peers, the teacher and others to exchange information, recount experiences and express opinions. They use verb ましょう for planning and making arrangements and offering suggestions. They ask and respond to a range of questions, for example,
Level description | Languages | Japanese | F–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8
Learning languages in addition to English extends students' literacy repertoires and their capacity to communicate. It strengthens students’ understanding of the nature of language, culture, and the processes of communication.
The languages included in the Victorian...
Overview material | Languages
The Classical Greek language belongs to the Indo-European linguistic family. It is thus related to most of the languages of Europe, to Old Persian and, through Sanskrit, to several major Indian languages.
Classical Greek is...
Overview material | Classical Greek
Students recognise and approximate the pronunciation, rhythms and intonation patterns of extended phrases and compound sentences. They use vocabulary with more complex syllable combinations and become more fluent and accurate in spoken and written language production. They gain greater control...
Level description | Languages | Modern Greek | 7–10 Sequence
By the end of Level 10, students interact in written and spoken Turkish to exchange and compare views and experiences on personal, local and global issues, for example, liseyi bitirince Türkiye’de üniversiteye gitmek istiyorum, okulu bitirdikten sonra seyahat etmek istiyorum. They us...
Level description | Languages | Turkish | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10
By the end of Level 10, students use the language to initiate, sustain and extend interactions, and to exchange information about interests, experiences and aspirations. They use spontaneous language wherever possible to participate in activities that involve taking action, collaborating, planning...
Level description | Languages | Victorian Aboriginal Languages | Levels 7 to 10
By the end of Level 2, students interact with teachers and each other to talk about themselves, their families, friends and immediate environment. They follow instructions to complete action-based activities such as signing games or transactional activities, using repeated constructions, gestures...
Level description | Languages | Auslan | Second Language Learner | F–10 Sequence | Foundation to Level 2
By the end of Level 6, students discuss aspects of their daily lives, social activities and school experience and respond to each other’s comments. They describe relationships and characteristics of people and objects and express feelings and preferences, for example, POSS1 FRIEND CHANGE...
Level description | Languages | Auslan | Second Language Learner | F–10 Sequence | Levels 5 and 6
By the end of Level 4, students participate in classroom routines and structured interactions with teachers and peers. They communicate about daily routines, interests and pastimes; recount personal experiences and classroom events; and describe people, experiences or activities using simple depicting...
Level description | Languages | Auslan | Second Language Learner | F–10 Sequence | Levels 3 and 4
By the end of Level 8, students use written and spoken French to interact with teachers, peers and others and exchange experiences, opinions and views. They use descriptive and expressive language to talk and write about immediate environments, personal interests and feelings and technical language...
Level description | Languages | French | F–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8
Students recognise and apply elements of Hindi grammar, such as the use of tenses, गया था, जाऊँगा, जा रहा हूँ, खाया था, खा रहा हूँ, खाऊँगा, possessive adjectives, मेरी पुस्तक, तुम्हारा बस्ता, and pronouns for places and objects, यहाँ, वहाँ, यह, वह. They understand the use of constructions related...
Level description | Languages | Hindi | F–10 Sequence