VCLVU147 | Languages | Victorian Aboriginal Languages | Foundation to Level 2 | Understanding | Language awareness
By the end of Level 8, students use written and spoken Arabic to exchange information about their personal worlds and to express feelings, likes and dislikes. They use formulaic language for a range of classroom functions and processes, such as asking and responding to questions, following instructions...
Level description | Languages | Arabic | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8
VCLVC177 | Languages | Victorian Aboriginal Languages | Levels 7 to 10 | Communicating | Informing
VCDEU013 | Languages | German | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8 | Understanding | Systems of language
VCVIC180 | Languages | Vietnamese | F–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10 | Communicating | Creating
VCZHC227 | Languages | Chinese | First Language Learner | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8 | Communicating | Informing
By the end of Year 10, students use spoken and written Chinese to initiate and sustain extended interactions with others in their social world and in the Chinese-speaking community, for example, 我的学校生活,澳大利亚的运动,我最喜欢的春节活动. They ask questions (for example, 你真的认为…吗?请想一想…) and adapt language...
Level description | Languages | Chinese | Background Language Learner | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10
Students expand their knowledge and control of grammatical elements such as verb tenses (l’imparfait, le futur simple, le conditionnel) and emphatic, direct and indirect object pronouns. They extend their knowledge of text types and language functions. Task characteristics and conditions...
Level description | Languages | French | F–10 Sequence
Students’ vocabulary and grammar usage is increased and experimentation occurs with different forms of communication. Students use Italian to communicate and interact with each other and with online resources, to access and exchange information, to express feelings and opinions, to participate...
Level description | Languages | Italian | 7–10 Sequence
Students expand their range of vocabulary to subjects beyond their immediate world and familiar experiences. They develop broader grammatical knowledge, using verbs and い/な adjectives, negative conjugations, various particles, counters, superlatives and conjunctions, to describe and sequence events...
Level description | Languages | Japanese | F–10 Sequence
By the end of Level 6, students use the spoken and written language being studied to exchange personal information, describe feelings and express preferences. When participating in collaborative activities, transactions and classroom routines, they ask and respond to questions, plan collaboratively...
Level description | Languages | Non-Roman Alphabet Languages | F–10 Sequence | Levels 5 and 6
By the end of Level 10, students use the written and spoken language being studied to initiate, sustain and extend formal and informal interactions with teachers, peers and others in a range of settings. They use language spontaneously to respond to others, seek and give advice, contribute ideas...
Level description | Languages | Non-Roman Alphabet Languages | F–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10
By the end of Level 4, students interact with the teacher and peers to share simple information about aspects of their lives, such as school, home and everyday routines. They use formulaic expressions when participating in classroom routines, collaborative activities and simple transactional exchanges...
Level description | Languages | Non-Roman Alphabet Languages | F–10 Sequence | Levels 3 and 4
This is a period of language exploration, vocabulary expansion and experimentation. As students develop greater control of language structures and systems, their confidence increases, as does their interest in communicating in a wider range of contexts. They use the language being studied to communicate...
Level description | Languages | Non-Roman Alphabet Languages | F–10 Sequence
By the end of Level 6, students use the language to convey information about themselves, their family and friends, and daily routines and activities. They locate specific details and use familiar words and phrases to predict meanings in texts. They respond to and create texts such as descriptions...
Level description | Languages | Roman Alphabet Languages | F–10 Sequence | Levels 5 and 6
Students use more complex language in spoken and written forms. They adjust tone, expression and intonation to shade meaning and to convey emotions. They expand their knowledge and control of grammatical elements such as verb tenses (imperfecto, futuro simple, condicional) and direct and indirect...
Level description | Languages | Spanish | F–10 Sequence
VCTRU017 | Languages | Turkish | F–10 Sequence | Foundation to Level 2 | Understanding | Role of language and culture
By the end of Level 4, students communicate with each other, the teaching team and others about aspects of their personal worlds, daily routines, preferences and pastimes at school and in the Deaf community. They show aspectual marking on verbs to indicate frequency when communicating about daily...
Level description | Languages | Auslan | First Language Learner | F–10 Sequence | Levels 3 and 4
By the end of Level 4, students interact with the teacher and peers in regular classroom routines and structured interactions. They understand and respond to instructions related to classroom organisation and activities, for example, ペア に なって ください。大きい こえ で いって ください。. They use formulaic and rehearsed...
Level description | Languages | Japanese | F–10 Sequence | Levels 3 and 4
The VCAA has published the Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0. To view the curriculum, familiarisation resources and support material, go to the Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0 website.
Go to the VCAA website to explore the timeline for familiarisation and implementation of...
Overview material | Chinese