VCAMUM043 | The Arts | Music | Levels 9 and 10 | Music Practices
VCADAR046 | The Arts | Dance | Levels 9 and 10 | Respond and Interpret
VCADRR046 | The Arts | Drama | Levels 9 and 10 | Respond and Interpret
VCAMUR046 | The Arts | Music | Levels 9 and 10 | Respond and Interpret
In levels 9 and 10, students build on their awareness of how designers communicate ideas with a specific purpose, to a targeted audience, using different visual communication design practices and viewpoints. They refine their personal aesthetic through their development of knowledge, understanding...
Level description | The Arts | Visual Communication Design
By the end of Level 10, students interpret, rehearse and perform solo and ensemble repertoire in a range of forms and styles. They demonstrate a developing personal voice and technical control, expression and stylistic understanding. They use general listening and specific aural skills to enhance...
Level description | The Arts | Music | Levels 9 and 10
In Levels 7 and 8, students build on their understanding of structure, intent, character, settings, viewpoints and genre conventions in their media artworks.
Students extend use of media technologies and their understanding of story principles and media elements, such as the use of time, space,...
Level description | The Arts | Media Arts
In Levels 9 and 10, learning in Music involves students using their voices, instruments and technology as they make and respond to music independently and in small groups, and with their teachers and communities. They explore music as an art form through listening, composing and performing, developing...
Level description | The Arts | Music
In Levels 3 and 4, students extend their understanding of key concepts of media arts such as the use of media technologies, story principles of structure, intent, character and settings, and use the media arts elements of composition and sound. They consider themselves as audiences and explore...
Level description | The Arts | Media Arts
In Levels 7 and 8, students make and respond to visual artworks. They design and create visual expressions of selected themes and concepts through a variety of visual arts forms and styles. Students develop an informed opinion about artworks based on their research of current and past artists....
Level description | The Arts | Visual Arts
In Levels 7 and 8, students research and investigate the practices and viewpoints of designers in the creation of visual communications and gain an understanding of how to visually communicate ideas to an audience. They experiment and develop their skills in creative, critical and reflective thinking...
Level description | The Arts | Visual Communication Design
By the end of Foundation, students sing and play instruments to communicate their experiences and ideas. They explore contrasting sounds and improvise with them. Students match pitch when singing. They understand and respond to the beat and simple rhythm patterns.
Students describe the music to...
Level description | The Arts | Music | Foundation Level
By the end of Level 2 students use imagination, their voices and instruments to improvise, compose, arrange and perform music. They explore and make decisions about ways of organising sounds to communicate ideas. They achieve intended effects and demonstrate accuracy when performing and composing.
Level description | The Arts | Music | Levels 1 and 2
In Levels 5 and 6, students continue to make, perform view devised and scripted drama, independently and collaboratively with their peers, teachers and communities.
Students develop character through voice and movement and extend their understanding and use of situation, focus, tension, space and...
Level description | The Arts | Drama
In Levels 3 and 4, students learn by making and responding to drama, independently and collaboratively, with their peers and teachers.
Through activities that focus on sharing and communicating, students extend their understanding of role and situation as they offer, accept and extend their ideas...
Level description | The Arts | Drama
In Levels 9 and 10, students refine and extend their understanding and use of structure, intent, character, settings, viewpoints and genre conventions in their compositions. As they use media technologies they extend the use of media elements such as time, space, sound, movement and lighting....
Level description | The Arts | Media Arts
In Levels 5 and 6, students are making and responding to dance independently and collaboratively with their peers, teachers and communities.
Students further develop their awareness of the body, their control and accuracy of body actions and their understanding of safe dance practice. They extend...
Level description | The Arts | Dance
In Levels 1 and 2, students explore media arts and experiment with story and elements of media arts. They develop an understanding of a range of media artworks. They make and share their media artworks as artists and audience.
Students become aware of structure, intent, character and settings as...
Level description | The Arts | Media Arts
In Levels 5 and 6, students explore how and why artists, craftspeople and designers realise their ideas through different visual forms, practices and processes. They develop conceptual and expressive skills.
As they make and respond to visual artworks, students explore a diversity of ideas, concepts...
Level description | The Arts | Visual Arts
The VCAA has published the Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0. To view the curriculum, familiarisation resources and support material, go to the Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0 website.
Go to the VCAA website to explore the timeline for familiarisation and implementation of...
Overview material | Media Arts