By the end of Level 2, students interact with the teaching team and respected community members to talk about themselves and family, using familiar modelled language and gestures. They use appropriate protocols when interacting with respected community members and community speakers, such as appropriate...
Level description | Languages | Victorian Aboriginal Languages | Foundation to Level 2
Students learn to produce all handshapes, movements and locations of single signs. They make use of handling and size and shape specifiers (SASS) depicting signs with increasing accuracy, and use entity depicting signs to talk about simple movement and locations. Students produce a range of clause...
Level description | Languages | Auslan | First Language Learner | F–10 Sequence
Students become familiar with all handshapes, movements and locations of single signs. They are learning to produce simple positive and negative statements with some time marking, and to use plain verbs or unmodified indicating verbs. They learn to describe familiar objects, animals or people...
Level description | Languages | Auslan | Second Language Learner | F–10 Sequence
By the end of Level 2, students use spoken Chinese to initiate interactions in a range of familiar contexts. They participate in simple exchanges to obtain and convey information and experiences relating to their personal world. They use learnt vocabulary, sounds, characters and culturally specific...
Level description | Languages | Chinese | Background Language Learner | F–10 Sequence | Foundation to Level 2
Personal and Community Histories
In Foundation to Level 2, students study personal, family and local history. Students learn about their own history and that of their family, including stories from different cultures and other parts of the world. As participants in their own history, students develop...
Level description | The Humanities | History
VCESU125 | Languages | Spanish | F–10 Sequence | Foundation to Level 2 | Understanding | Language variation and change
VCESU123 | Languages | Spanish | F–10 Sequence | Foundation to Level 2 | Understanding | Language variation and change
VCJAU124 | Languages | Japanese | F–10 Sequence | Foundation to Level 2 | Understanding | Language variation and change
VCLVU150 | Languages | Victorian Aboriginal Languages | Foundation to Level 2 | Understanding | Role of language building
VCZHU013 | Languages | Chinese | Second Language Learner | F–10 Sequence | Foundation to Level 2 | Understanding | Systems of language
VCJAU120 | Languages | Japanese | F–10 Sequence | Foundation to Level 2 | Understanding | Systems of language
VCLVU143 | Languages | Victorian Aboriginal Languages | Foundation to Level 2 | Understanding | Systems of language
By the end of Level 2, students interact with the teacher and peers through play- and action-related language. They use formulaic expressions and appropriate gestures in everyday interactions such as exchanging greetings and farewells, for example, おはようございます、おはよう、こんにちは、さようなら、また、あした, thanking and...
Level description | Languages | Japanese | F–10 Sequence | Foundation to Level 2
In Foundation to Level 2 students explore and investigate technologies, including their purpose and how they meet personal and social needs within local settings. Students develop an understanding of how society and environmental sustainability factors influence design and technologies decisions...
Level description | Technologies | Design and Technologies
From Foundation to Level 2, the curriculum develops the concept of place through a study of what places are like over time and how they are defined. The emphasis in F-2 is on the places in which students live, but they also start to investigate other places of similar size that are familiar to...
Level description | The Humanities | Geography
Students become familiar with the sounds and rhythms of German, approximating the pronunciation and phrasing of single words and short phrases, including distinctive sounds such as ch, r, th, u and z, and diphthongs such as au, ei, eu and ie. They use simple basic sentence structures and familiar...
Level description | Languages | German | F–10 Sequence
The curriculum for Levels 1 and 2 builds on the learning from Foundation Level and supports students to make decisions to enhance their health, safety and participation in physical activity. The content enables students to explore their own sense of self and the factors that contribute to and...
Level description | Health and Physical Education
Students' familiarity with the spoken form of Hindi supports their introduction to the written form of the language. They make connections between speech and writing, and are introduced to the Devanagari script, recognising and reproducing written forms of the 13 sounds classified as vowels and...
Level description | Languages | Hindi | F–10 Sequence
Students become familiar with the sound systems of the Japanese language, including pronunciation and rhythm. They learn to pronounce individual sounds and sound combinations. They understand basic word order in simple sentences, indicate affirmative or negative responses, respond to requests,...
Level description | Languages | Japanese | F–10 Sequence
In Level 1, learning in Mathematics builds on each student’s prior learning and experiences, including the learning opportunities acquired through the implementation of the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF). Students engage in a range of approaches...
Level description | Mathematics | Mathematics Version 2.0