VCFRU089 | Languages | French | F–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10 | Understanding | Language variation and change
VCFRU122 | Languages | French | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10 | Understanding | Systems of language
VCFRU090 | Languages | French | F–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10 | Understanding | Role of language and culture
VCFRU120 | Languages | French | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10 | Understanding | Systems of language
VCFRU084 | Languages | French | F–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10 | Understanding | Systems of language
VCFRU088 | Languages | French | F–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10 | Understanding | Language variation and change
VCGGC129 | The Humanities | Geography | Levels 9 and 10 | Geographical Concepts and Skills | Place, space and interconnection
VCGGC130 | The Humanities | Geography | Levels 9 and 10 | Geographical Concepts and Skills | Data and information
VCGGC132 | The Humanities | Geography | Levels 9 and 10 | Geographical Concepts and Skills | Data and information
VCGGC131 | The Humanities | Geography | Levels 9 and 10 | Geographical Concepts and Skills | Data and information
VCGGC127 | The Humanities | Geography | Levels 9 and 10 | Geographical Concepts and Skills | Place, space and interconnection
VCGGC128 | The Humanities | Geography | Levels 9 and 10 | Geographical Concepts and Skills | Place, space and interconnection
VCGGK145 | The Humanities | Geography | Levels 9 and 10 | Geographical Knowledge | Environmental change and management
VCGGK141 | The Humanities | Geography | Levels 9 and 10 | Geographical Knowledge | Geographies of interconnection
VCGGK153 | The Humanities | Geography | Levels 9 and 10 | Geographical Knowledge | Geographies of human wellbeing
VCGGK134 | The Humanities | Geography | Levels 9 and 10 | Geographical Knowledge | Biomes and food security
VCGGK144 | The Humanities | Geography | Levels 9 and 10 | Geographical Knowledge | Environmental change and management
VCGGK139 | The Humanities | Geography | Levels 9 and 10 | Geographical Knowledge | Geographies of interconnection
VCGGK148 | The Humanities | Geography | Levels 9 and 10 | Geographical Knowledge | Environmental change and management
VCGGK133 | The Humanities | Geography | Levels 9 and 10 | Geographical Knowledge | Biomes and food security