plan and conduct statistical investigations by posing questions or identifying a problem and collecting relevant data; choose appropriate displays and interpret the data; communicate findings within the context of the investigation
posing questions about insect diversity in the playground, and collecting data by taping a one-metre-square piece of paper to the playground and observing the type and number of insects on it over time
posing a question or identifying a problem of interest; collecting, interpreting and analysing the data; and discussing if the data generated provides the information necessary to answer the question
developing survey questions that are objective, without opinion, and have a balanced set of answer choices without bias
exploring Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander ranger groups’ and other groups’ biodiversity detection techniques to care for Country/Place, posing investigative questions, and collecting and interpreting related data to represent and communicate findings
VC2M5ST03 | Mathematics | Mathematics Version 2.0 | Level 5 | Statistics