VCASFU175 | Languages | Auslan | Second Language Learner | F–10 Sequence | Levels 5 and 6 | Understanding | Systems of language
VCHPEP106 | Health and Physical Education | Levels 5 and 6 | Personal, Social and Community Health | Being healthy, safe and active
Students increase their range of German vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar and textual knowledge. They use present tense forms of regular and irregular verbs, including some modal verbs and common separable verbs, and use plural forms of nouns and possessive adjectives. They add detail and...
Level description | Languages | German | F–10 Sequence
By the end of Level 6, students use spoken and written Vietnamese for classroom interactions and to share ideas and opinions and express feelings. They exchange information about aspects of their daily life, school, friends and leisure activities. They make shared decisions and arrangements, organise...
Level description | Languages | Vietnamese | F–10 Sequence | Levels 5 and 6
In Levels 5 and 6, the curriculum focus is on recognising questions that can be investigated scientifically and undertaking investigations. Students explore how changes can be classified in different ways. Students are introduced to cause-and-effect relationships that relate to form and function...
Level description | Science
VCELA333 | Curriculum content | English | Level 5 | Speaking and Listening | Language
VCGGK098 | The Humanities | Geography | Levels 5 and 6 | Geographical Knowledge | Factors that shape places and influence interconnections
VCHHK092 | The Humanities | History | Levels 5 and 6 | Historical Knowledge | The Australian colonies
The Levels 5 and 6 curriculum supports students to develop knowledge, understanding and skills to create opportunities and take action to enhance their own and others' health, wellbeing, safety and physical activity participation. Students develop skills to manage their emotions, understand the...
Level description | Health and Physical Education
VCAVAP031 | The Arts | Visual Arts | Levels 5 and 6 | Present and Perform
VCCCTR025 | Capabilities | Critical and Creative Thinking | Levels 5 and 6 | Reasoning
VCGGK095 | The Humanities | Geography | Levels 5 and 6 | Geographical Knowledge | Factors that shape places and influence interconnections
VCHPEP114 | Health and Physical Education | Levels 5 and 6 | Personal, Social and Community Health | Contributing to healthy and active communities
VCKOU170 | Languages | Korean | F–10 Sequence | Levels 5 and 6 | Understanding | Language variation and change
VCMNA189 | Mathematics | Level 5 | Number and Algebra | Fractions and decimals
VCPSCSO031 | Capabilities | Personal and Social Capability | Levels 5 and 6 | Social Awareness and Management | Relationships and diversity
VCCCC014 | The Humanities | Civics and Citizenship | Levels 5 and 6 | Citizenship, Diversity and Identity
VCHHK089 | The Humanities | History | Levels 5 and 6 | Historical Knowledge | The Australian colonies
VCGGC087 | The Humanities | Geography | Levels 5 and 6 | Geographical Concepts and Skills | Place, space and interconnection
By the end of Level 6, students discuss aspects of their daily lives, social activities and school experience and respond to each other’s comments. They describe relationships and characteristics of people and objects and express feelings and preferences, for example, POSS1 FRIEND CHANGE...
Level description | Languages | Auslan | Second Language Learner | F–10 Sequence | Levels 5 and 6