VCZHC233 | Languages | Chinese | First Language Learner | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8 | Communicating | Translating
VCHIU066 | Languages | Hindi | F–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8 | Understanding | Systems of language
VCRAU063 | Languages | Roman Alphabet Languages | F–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8 | Understanding | Systems of language
VCDTCD044 | Technologies | Digital Technologies | Levels 7 and 8 | Creating Digital Solutions
VCASFU198 | Languages | Auslan | Second Language Learner | F–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8 | Understanding | Role of language and culture
VCESC170 | Languages | Spanish | F–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8 | Communicating | Translating
VCHIU069 | Languages | Hindi | F–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8 | Understanding | Language variation and change
By the end of Level 10, students use the language to initiate, sustain and extend interactions, and to exchange information about interests, experiences and aspirations. They use spontaneous language wherever possible to participate in activities that involve taking action, collaborating, planning...
Level description | Languages | Victorian Aboriginal Languages | Levels 7 to 10
Number and Algebra
Students use efficient mental and written strategies to make estimates and carry out the four operations with integers, and apply the index laws to whole numbers. They identify and describe rational and irrational numbers in context. Students estimate answers and solve everyday...
Level description | Mathematics | Level 8
VCZHC195 | Languages | Chinese | Background Language Learner | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8 | Communicating | Informing
VCGGK105 | The Humanities | Geography | Levels 7 and 8 | Geographical Knowledge | Water in the world
Students listen for and identify different emphases in texts, using that understanding to elaborate upon discussions. They understand how the selection of language features can be used for particular purposes and effects. They explain the effectiveness of language choices they use to influence...
Level description | English | Level 8 | Speaking and Listening
Students understand how the selection of language features can be used for particular purposes and effects. They explain the effectiveness of language choices they use to influence the audience. Through combining ideas, images and language features from other texts students show how ideas can...
Level description | English | Level 8 | Writing
VC2M8SP04 | Mathematics | Mathematics Version 2.0 | Level 8 | Space
VCSSU099 | Science | Levels 7 and 8 | Science Understanding | Earth and space sciences
VCASFC098 | Languages | Auslan | First Language Learner | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8 | Communicating | Translating
VCADAR039 | The Arts | Dance | Levels 7 and 8 | Respond and Interpret
VCARC164 | Languages | Arabic | F–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8 | Communicating | Reflecting
VCICCB014 | Capabilities | Intercultural Capability | Levels 7 and 8 | Cultural Practices
VCVIC167 | Languages | Vietnamese | F–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8 | Communicating | Reflecting