VCHHK023 | The Humanities | History | Level B | Historical Knowledge | Community histories
In Level B, students communicate with peers, teachers and known adults. Opportunities are provided for students to explore English knowledge, understanding, skills and processes through everyday experiences, personal interests and significant events. Students begin to understand that communication...
Level description | English
VCELA051 | Curriculum content | English | Level B | Writing | Language
In Level B, the curriculum focuses on developing students understanding of the world around them, how to learn and solve everyday problems. Students become familiar with simple strategies to structure and understand the world and thinking. Students are exposed to thinking processes.
Level description | Capabilities | Critical and Creative Thinking
In Level B students explore technologies, including its purpose and how technologies meet personal and social needs.
Students examine the characteristics and properties of some technologies from one of the technologies contexts:
Level description | Technologies | Design and Technologies
When writing, they can scribble freely using various materials or computer mouse. Students draw non-linear shapes and forms. They can use a touchscreen, press keys on keyboard and move a computer mouse. They begin to hold and manipulate objects. They assist in the construction of text by selecting...
Level description | English | Level B | Writing
VCHPEP017 | Health and Physical Education | Level B | Personal, Social and Community Health | Being healthy, safe and active
By the end of Level B, students express a range of basic emotions that indicate their feelings. They explore personal characteristics and abilities. Students focus on a task demonstrating persistence.
Students recognise familiar people and demonstrate ways to interact with others. They respond...
Level description | Capabilities | Personal and Social Capability | Level B
In Level B, the curriculum focuses on students learning how to be socially responsive. Students are developing an awareness of the emotions in themselves and others. Students are developing a sense of self and exploring their personal characteristics and abilities. The curriculum provides opportunity...
Level description | Capabilities | Personal and Social Capability
By the end of Level B, students are using some familiar designed solutions appropriately to meet their needs.
With guidance, students explore designed solutions in at least one technologies context. They experience designed solution ideas and select materials and components based on personal preferences.
Level description | Technologies | Design and Technologies | Level B
By the end of Level B, students explore some common digital systems for a purpose.
Students collect data, sort them based on given characteristics and with assistance use digital systems to display findings as images.
Students follow a sequence of steps and decisions needed to solve simple problems.
Level description | Technologies | Digital Technologies | Level B
Students look towards and attend to significant people for short periods of time. They attend to and respond to key word instructions. They imitate familiar words, spoken and/or signed. They use gesture or ‘yes’ or ‘no’ responses to answer a question or respond to an instruction. They communicate...
Level description | English | Level B | Speaking and Listening
In Level B, students explore visual arts. They explore how visual arts can represent ideas, experiences, observations and imagination.
Students become aware how artists, craftspeople and designers present their ideas. They explore how their ideas can be developed. They enhance their perception...
Level description | The Arts | Visual Arts
VCCCTM071 | Capabilities | Critical and Creative Thinking | Level B | Meta-Cognition
VCHPEP021 | Health and Physical Education | Level B | Personal, Social and Community Health | Contributing to healthy and active communities
VCSIS020 | Science | Level B | Science Inquiry Skills | Communicating
By the end of Level B, students can identify some familiar places using photos, images or augmentative alternative communication when asked. They will select to view a multimodal text about a preferred place.
Students experience the familiar features and purposes of places and the representation...
Level description | The Humanities | Geography | Level B
By the end of Level B, students identify immediate family members. They recognise some significant events. Students respond to images of personal, family and sites of significance.
Students assist to sequence significant parts of recent familiar events. They can identify themselves at different...
Level description | The Humanities | History | Level B
By the end of Level B, students can identify some familiar objects. They actively explore the properties of familiar objects and deliberately initiate a cause to achieve the expected effect. In structured situations, teachers assist the student to record observations of the weather, familiar objects...
Level description | Science | Level B
In Level B, students play and use structured activities to make observations and use their senses to investigate the behaviours and properties of everyday objects, materials and living things. They explore change in the world around them, including changes that impact on them, for example the...
Level description | Science