By the end of Level D, students answer simple questions related to their own investigation, their feelings or concept. They identify and describe an event or scientific experiment. They generate ideas based on past experience and make choices based on their personal preferences.
Students can...
Level description | Capabilities | Critical and Creative Thinking | Level D
In Level D, the curriculum focuses on developing the knowledge and skills to express reasons, to problem solve and learn more effectively. Students become familiar with simple strategies to structure and improve thinking. Students learn how thinking can be made explicit.
Level description | Capabilities | Critical and Creative Thinking
By the end of Level D, students make and share a simple dance sequence and demonstrate safe dance practice.
Students provide a simple explanation about the features and purpose of their own dance.
Level description | The Arts | Dance | Level D
In Level D, students explore dance. They learn about how dance can represent the world and they make dances to represent their ideas about the world. They share their dance with peers and experience dance as audiences.
Students become aware of their bodies and learn about the body bases, parts...
Level description | The Arts | Dance
By the end of Level D, students describe the purpose of familiar designed solutions and what needs they meet.
Students use designed solutions in at least two technologies contexts, identifying significant features.
With guidance, students create designed solutions evaluating their ideas based on...
Level description | Technologies | Design and Technologies | Level D
In Level D students explore and investigate technologies, including its purpose and how technologies meet personal and social needs within local settings.
Students explore the characteristics and properties of familiar designed solutions from one of the technologies contexts:
Level description | Technologies | Design and Technologies
By the end of Level D, students use key functions of digital systems and indicate their purpose.
Students collect, sort and recognise, with assistance different types of patterns in data. They use digital systems to display results using pictures, symbols and diagrams.
Students use a sequence of...
Level description | Technologies | Digital Technologies | Level D
In Level D, students are building their independence and participating cooperatively in group learning activities. They combine and sequence key words and images to communicate personal interest and significant experiences and are beginning to reflect on their own behaviour and learning. They...
Level description | Technologies | Digital Technologies
By the end of Level D, students make and share drama that communicates major elements of stories or experiences.
Students provide a simple explanation about the characteristics of drama they make, perform and view.
Level description | The Arts | Drama | Level D
In Level D, students explore drama. They learn about how drama can represent the world and that they can make drama to represent their ideas about the world. They share their drama with peers and experience drama as audiences.
Students become aware of role and situation as they listen and respond...
Level description | The Arts | Drama
By the end of Level D, students listen to and view a range of spoken, written and multimodal texts from familiar contexts. They identify the main character and event in an imaginative text. They use visual images to identify the key topic or theme within an informative text. They understand familiar...
Level description | English | Level D | Reading and Viewing
Students listen to and use spoken language to acknowledge and answer a person who communicates with them, giving a response of up to three words. Students use some social conventions during social interaction, such as making eye contact, show some understanding of turn taking, use appropriate...
Level description | English | Level D | Speaking and Listening
When writing, students produce ‘text-like’ writing to convey meaning and label images. They trace letter-like patterns moving left to right across a page. They have a preferred writing hand and hold a pencil to trace over lines, shapes and patterns with some accuracy. They colour within a clearly...
Level description | English | Level D | Writing
In the Level D, students communicate with known adults, teachers and peers. Students are provided with experiences that engage, support and extend their learning, including the use of pictorial representations or other marks to express and record their ideas. Students communicate by using short...
Level description | English
By the end Level D, students label familiar routine places and some of their features and the related activities undertaken in these places. They recognise places can have a special purpose or connection for some people. Students reflect on their learning to suggest ways they can care for a familiar...
Level description | The Humanities | Geography | Level D
The Level D curriculum focuses on the features of places where students live focusing on developing student’s awareness, understanding and purpose of a place. Students are encouraged to be curious about a place and explore its local area. They use their senses to explore the tangible characteristics...
Level description | The Humanities | Geography
By the end of Level D, students recognise changes to their body over the year. They identify and describe basic emotions people experience and what makes them feel this way.
They recognise some routine actions they do to help them to be healthy, safe and physically active. They identify different...
Level description | Health and Physical Education | Level D
The Level D curriculum provides the basis for developing knowledge, understanding and skills for students to lead healthy, safe and active lives. Students learn about their strengths and simple actions they can take to keep themselves and their classmates healthy and safe. They learn about major...
Level description | Health and Physical Education
By the end of Level D, students identify similarities and differences between families in their class. They identify many important family events and indicate how they were commemorated. Students use images to describe a significant family, personal event, site or person of significance.
Level description | The Humanities | History | Level D
Personal Past History
The curriculum at Levels A to D provides a study of personal and family histories. Students learn about their own history and that of their family; this may include stories from different cultures and other parts of the world. As participants in their own history, students...
Level description | The Humanities | History