Students develop their ability to share ideas about language and culture systems and develop their skills in moving between languages and cultures. Learning and use focus on active exploration of the Chinese language system, which students draw upon to communicate their own ideas and engage with others.
Level description | Languages | Chinese | Second Language Learner | 7–10 Sequence
By the end of Level 6, students use spoken and written Chinese to maintain interactions with familiar and unfamiliar people across a growing range of situations (for example, 你星期几去汉语学校?,你说…对吗?); to convey information, opinions and experiences (for example, 我喜欢踢澳式足球,你呢?); and to access a...
Level description | Languages | Chinese | Background Language Learner | F–10 Sequence | Levels 5 and 6
By the end of Year 8, students use spoken and written Chinese to sustain interactions in their personal and social worlds (for example, 你叫什么名字?你多大了?你住在哪个城市?,不对,我是说… and 老师,我可以用电脑吗?), making appropriate language choices for different roles, relationships and situations, for example, 你的那个,那个 as...
Level description | Languages | Chinese | Background Language Learner | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8
By the end of Level 4, students use spoken and written Chinese in simple personal interactions with familiar participants about self, family, people, places, routine, school life, and their own interests and preferences, for example, 你叫什么名字? 你上几年级? 你有狗吗? 你喜欢什么运动? They use appropriate pronunciation...
Level description | Languages | Chinese | Second Language Learner | F–10 Sequence | Levels 3 and 4
By the end of Level 2, students use spoken Chinese to initiate interactions in a range of familiar contexts. They participate in simple exchanges to obtain and convey information and experiences relating to their personal world. They use learnt vocabulary, sounds, characters and culturally specific...
Level description | Languages | Chinese | Background Language Learner | F–10 Sequence | Foundation to Level 2
By the end of Level 10, students sustain extended interactions with diverse individuals and groups, selecting spoken and written language for precision and for effect on participants. Students collate and evaluate a range of spoken, written and multimodal sources to convey different perspectives...
Level description | Languages | Chinese | First Language Learner | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10
Students use Chinese to write and speak with imagination to engage or persuade peers, justifying their perspectives by drawing on the ideas or experiences of others. They apply linguistic expressions encountered in contemporary and traditional literature to develop their own ability to write in...
Level description | Languages | Chinese | First Language Learner | 7–10 Sequence
Students discover the distinctive features of the spoken language and begin to use Pinyin and tone marks to practise syllables and tones they encounter in new words. They recognise that letters in Pinyin and English produce different sounds using different spelling conventions. Printed texts used...
Level description | Languages | Chinese | Second Language Learner | F–10 Sequence
VCZHC168 | Languages | Chinese | Background Language Learner | F–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8 | Communicating | Translating
VCZHU236 | Languages | Chinese | First Language Learner | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8 | Understanding | Systems of language
VCZHU013 | Languages | Chinese | Second Language Learner | F–10 Sequence | Foundation to Level 2 | Understanding | Systems of language
China's official language is Modern Standard Chinese, or Putonghua (the common or shared language) in Chinese. The language is also referred to as Hanyu, the spoken language of the Han people, or Zhongwen, the written language of China. In Taiwan it is more usually called...
Overview material | Chinese
By the end of Level 8, students use spoken and written Chinese to maintain exchanges, to analyse and evaluate information, and to share opinions (for example, 电视节目,纪录片,教育片,微电影, 报纸,杂志, 网站,博客, 少年百科) and experiences, for example, 我们为什么要保护熊猫?,中国和澳大利亚的一些差异, 我最喜欢的假期. They select and discern tone patterns...
Level description | Languages | Chinese | Background Language Learner | F–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8
By the end of Year 10, students use spoken and written Chinese to initiate and sustain extended interactions with others in their social world and in the Chinese-speaking community, for example, 我的学校生活,澳大利亚的运动,我最喜欢的春节活动. They ask questions (for example, 你真的认为…吗?请想一想…) and adapt language...
Level description | Languages | Chinese | Background Language Learner | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10
VCZHC245 | Languages | Chinese | First Language Learner | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10 | Communicating | Socialising
VCZHC233 | Languages | Chinese | First Language Learner | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8 | Communicating | Translating
VCZHC246 | Languages | Chinese | First Language Learner | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10 | Communicating | Informing
VCZHU109 | Languages | Chinese | Second Language Learner | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10 | Understanding | Systems of language
VCZHU187 | Languages | Chinese | Background Language Learner | F–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10 | Understanding | Systems of language
VCZHU045 | Languages | Chinese | Second Language Learner | F–10 Sequence | Levels 5 and 6 | Understanding | Systems of language