Describe the key features of Australia’s court system, including jurisdictions and how courts apply and interpret the law, resolve disputes and make law through judgments, and describe the role of the High Court in interpreting the Constitution
creating a visual representation of the court jurisdictions in Australia
categorising sample cases in relation to the courts in which they would be heard, for example cases from criminal, consumer, family, human rights and environmental law
describing the role of a particular court, for example a supreme court, a magistrates court, or the Family Court of Australia
analysing how court judgments impact on the development of law, for example the role of precedents
examining the jurisdiction of the High Court
investigating an example of a High Court judgment in interpreting and applying Australian law, such as the Mabo decision
VCCCL033 | The Humanities | Civics and Citizenship | Levels 9 and 10 | Laws and Citizens