VCMMG258 | Mathematics | Level 7 | Measurement and Geometry | Using units of measurement
VCMMG118 | Mathematics | Level 2 | Measurement and Geometry | Using units of measurement
Number and Algebra
Students apply the index laws using integer indices to variables and numbers, express numbers in scientific notation, solve problems involving very small and very large numbers, and check the order of magnitude of calculations. They solve problems involving simple interest. Students...
Level description | Mathematics | Level 9
Number and Algebra
Students recognise the connection between simple and compound interest. They solve problems involving linear equations and inequalities, quadratic equations and pairs of simultaneous linear equations and related graphs, with and without the use of digital technology. Students...
Level description | Mathematics | Level 10
In Level 9, students develop familiarity with a broader range of non-linear and linear functions and relations, and related algebra and graphs.
Students apply index laws with integer indices to a range of numerical expressions and extend this to algebraic expressions involving numbers and pro-numerals...
Level description | Mathematics
VCMSP179 | Mathematics | Level 4 | Statistics and Probability | Data representation and interpretation
Number and Algebra
Students use efficient mental and written strategies to make estimates and carry out the four operations with integers, and apply the index laws to whole numbers. They identify and describe rational and irrational numbers in context. Students estimate answers and solve everyday...
Level description | Mathematics | Level 8
VCMSP271 | Mathematics | Level 7 | Statistics and Probability | Data representation and interpretation
VCMNA304 | Mathematics | Level 9 | Number and Algebra | Money and financial mathematics
Number and Algebra
Students connect number names and numerals with sets of up to 10 elements. They match individual objects with counting sequences up to and back from 10. They recognise and point to numerals in and around the classroom, for example, numbers on a clock face. Students use concrete...
Level description | Mathematics | Level D
VCMSP296 | Mathematics | Level 8 | Statistics and Probability | Chance
Number and Algebra
Students observe the use of number within their daily life. They begin to respond to numbers in everyday experiences. Students demonstrate awareness of counting by responding to number rhymes, songs, stories and finger games. They experience and respond to ‘one for you,...
Level description | Mathematics | Level A
VCMNA154 | Mathematics | Level 4 | Number and Algebra | Number and place value
VCMNA281 | Mathematics | Level 8 | Number and Algebra | Patterns and algebra
VCMNA005 | Mathematics | Level A | Number and Algebra | Number and place value
The proficiencies of Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning are fundamental to learning mathematics and working mathematically and are applied across all three strands Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.
Understanding refers to students...
Overview material | Mathematics
VCMMG197 | Mathematics | Level 5 | Measurement and Geometry | Using units of measurement
VCMNA070 | Mathematics | Foundation Level | Number and Algebra | Number and place value
Number and Algebra
Students participate in everyday activities that involve numbers and counting, comparing groups of objects, and pattern activities. Students can rote count to three. Students identify ‘one’ and ‘lots’ of objects and show an understanding of ‘more...
Level description | Mathematics | Level B
Number and Algebra
Students count and order numbers to and from 10 000. They recognise the connection between addition and subtraction, and solve problems using efficient strategies for multiplication with and without the use of digital technology. Students recall addition and multiplication facts...
Level description | Mathematics | Level 3