VCMNA249 | Mathematics | Level 7 | Number and Algebra | Real numbers
VCMNA329 | Mathematics | Level 10 | Number and Algebra | Patterns and algebra
VCMNA251 | Mathematics | Level 7 | Number and Algebra | Patterns and algebra
VCMSP270 | Mathematics | Level 7 | Statistics and Probability | Data representation and interpretation
VCMSP348 | Mathematics | Level 10 | Statistics and Probability | Chance
VCMSP102 | Mathematics | Level 1 | Statistics and Probability | Data representation and interpretation
Number and Algebra
Students connect number names and numerals with sets of up to 10 elements. They match individual objects with counting sequences up to and back from 10. They recognise and point to numerals in and around the classroom, for example, numbers on a clock face. Students use concrete...
Level description | Mathematics | Level D
The proficiencies of Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning are fundamental to learning mathematics and working mathematically and are applied across all three strands Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.
Understanding refers to students...
Overview material | Mathematics
VCMMG099 | Mathematics | Level 1 | Measurement and Geometry | Location and transformation
VCMNA208 | Mathematics | Level 6 | Number and Algebra | Number and place value
VCMMG122 | Mathematics | Level 2 | Measurement and Geometry | Location and transformation
VCMMG229 | Mathematics | Level 6 | Measurement and Geometry | Location and transformation
VCMNA355 | Mathematics | Level 10A | Number and Algebra | Real numbers
VCMSP294 | Mathematics | Level 8 | Statistics and Probability | Chance
In Foundation level, students play with objects and draw pictures to develop links between their immediate environment, everyday language and mathematical activity.
Students classify and sort objects into sets and form simple correspondences between them. They decide when two sets are of equal...
Level description | Mathematics
Number and Algebra
Students participate in everyday activities that involve numbers and counting, comparing groups of objects, and pattern activities. Students can rote count to three. Students identify ‘one’ and ‘lots’ of objects and show an understanding of ‘more...
Level description | Mathematics | Level B
VCMMG259 | Mathematics | Level 7 | Measurement and Geometry | Using units of measurement
VCMMG258 | Mathematics | Level 7 | Measurement and Geometry | Using units of measurement
VCMMG320 | Mathematics | Level 9 | Measurement and Geometry | Pythagoras and trigonometry
VCMMG318 | Mathematics | Level 9 | Measurement and Geometry | Pythagoras and trigonometry