find equivalent representations of fractions using related denominators and make connections between fractions and decimal notation
extending fraction families within collections of materials, for example, by seeing 34 as 3 in each 4, showing this within related fractions like 68 or seeing that 25 means 2 in each 5 so it can be shown within 410
creating models of equivalent fractions by subdividing capacity measures into smaller fractions; for example, half a cup of flour could be shown as two-quarters or four-eighths of a cup of flour
folding paper to show equivalence between different fractions; for example, folding A4 paper in half and half again, repeating to form eighths and demonstrating that 48=24=12 ; or folding paper strips into fifths and tenths, and recording as both fractions and decimals
identifying and using the connection between fractions of metres and decimals; for example, finding 14 of a metre and connecting this to 0.25 metres or 25 centimetres, or finding 110 of a metre and connecting this with 0.10 metres or 10 centimetres
using array diagrams to show the relationship between fractions and division and multiplication of natural numbers, for example, 3 × 4 = 12, 12 ÷ 4 = 3, 14 of 12 is 3, 13 of 12 is 4
VC2M4N03 | Mathematics | Mathematics Version 2.0 | Level 4 | Number