The focus of learning Italian shifts to expanding students range and control of the linguistic systems to develop the sophistication of language use. They learn to choose appropriate tenses, to identify and create mood, and to use cohesive devices to create extended texts. They continue to build...
Level description | Languages | Italian | F–10 Sequence
Students’ vocabulary and grammar usage is increased and experimentation occurs with different forms of communication. Students use Italian to communicate and interact with each other and with online resources, to access and exchange information, to express feelings and opinions, to participate...
Level description | Languages | Italian | 7–10 Sequence
Students become more fluent and accurate in spoken and written language production. They gain greater control of grammatical and textual elements. They use expressive and descriptive language as appropriate for different purposes and demonstrate understanding of language variation and change....
Level description | Languages | Japanese | 7–10 Sequence
By the end of Level 10, students analyse a range of Latin texts to obtain information and ideas about Roman society and culture. They use vocabulary, grammar and textual cues to analyse and interpret language use and cultural references in Latin texts, such as poetry, letters or narratives, for...
Level description | Languages | Latin | Levels 9 and 10
Students recognise and approximate the pronunciation, rhythms and intonation patterns of extended phrases and compound sentences. They use vocabulary with more complex syllable combinations and become more fluent and accurate in spoken and written language production. They gain greater control...
Level description | Languages | Modern Greek | 7–10 Sequence
By the end of Level 10 students initiate and sustain interactions with peers by sharing opinions and experiences and comparing aspects of teenage life. They interact with others to make decisions and plan events. They ask and respond to questions, clarify understanding and express agreement or...
Level description | Languages | Non-Roman Alphabet Languages | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10
This is a period of language exploration and vocabulary expansion and experimentation with different modes of communication. Greater control of language structures and systems increases confidence and interest in communicating in a wider range of contexts. Students use the language being studied...
Level description | Languages | Non-Roman Alphabet Languages | 7–10 Sequence
By the end of Level 10, students analyse how models and theories have developed over time and discuss the factors that prompted their review. They predict how future applications of science and technology may affect people’s lives. They explain the concept of energy conservation and model...
Level description | Science | Levels 9 and 10
In Levels 9 and 10, the curriculum focus is on explaining phenomena involving science and its applications. Students consider both classic and contemporary science contexts to explain the operation of systems at a range of scales. At a microscopic scale, they consider the atom as a system of protons...
Level description | Science
By the end of Level 10, students use written and spoken Spanish to initiate and sustain interactions with teachers, peers and others in a range of settings and for a range of purposes. They use language spontaneously to offer opinions on social issues and to discuss young people’s interests...
Level description | Languages | Spanish | F–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10
Students recognise and approximate the pronunciation, rhythms and intonation patterns of more extended phrases and compound sentences. They become more fluent and accurate in both spoken and written language production. They gain more control of grammatical and textual elements. They use simple...
Level description | Languages | Spanish | 7–10 Sequence
Students extend their grammatical knowledge to a range of forms and functions that give them control of more complex elements of text construction and word formation. They analyse functions of affixation through the identification of adverbial, adjectival and noun phrases, for example, by recognising...
Level description | Languages | Turkish | F–10 Sequence
By the end of Level 10, students interact in written and spoken Turkish to exchange and compare views and experiences on personal, local and global issues, for example, liseyi bitirince Türkiye’de üniversiteye gitmek istiyorum, okulu bitirdikten sonra seyahat etmek istiyorum. They us...
Level description | Languages | Turkish | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10
Students understand and use more elaborated grammatical structures, such as verb moods, auxiliary verbs and particles. They recognise and use different types of formal and informal honorific forms, such as Bey/Hanım, Amca/Teyze, Efendi, Ağa/Hanımağa, Sayın, Ağabey (Abi)/Abla, Hoca/Öğretmen...
Level description | Languages | Turkish | 7–10 Sequence
VCADRD043 | The Arts | Drama | Levels 9 and 10 | Drama Practices
VCADRE041 | The Arts | Drama | Levels 9 and 10 | Explore and Express Ideas
VCAMUE041 | The Arts | Music | Levels 9 and 10 | Explore and Express Ideas
VCAMUR045 | The Arts | Music | Levels 9 and 10 | Respond and Interpret
VCARC027 | Languages | Arabic | 7–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10 | Communicating | Reflecting
عندما أصل إلى القاهرة سوف أستأجر سيارة لأصل إلى الفندق؛ أفضل وسيلة مواصلات هي سيارة الأجرة؛ سوف أسافر إلى المناطق الريفيّة في القطار؛ في لبنان الأطعمة لذيذة لذلك سأذهب إلى مطاعم مختلفة؛ أحب المأكولات العربية الشعبية. سوف أزور جميع المناطق الأثرية في الأردن
أعترض على طريقة معاملة الزبائن؛ الفندق بحاجة إلى منظفين أكثر؛ الطعام كان بارداً ولم أقدر أن آكله؛ أسعار الثياب غالية جداً
أصبح وجود فرص للعمل مستحيلاً؛ إنها كارثة إنسانية؛ إنها عار على مجتمعنا؛ مساواة جميع المواطنين حق إنساني؛ حرية الإنسان في التعبير خط أحمر
VCARC172 | Languages | Arabic | F–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10 | Communicating | Socialising