At Level C3 students demonstrate a basic understanding of the main ideas, issues or plot developments in a range of accessible texts from across the curriculum. These texts may be print or digital texts, including handwritten, visual, multimodal and interactive texts.
Students demonstrate...
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway A: Early immersion | EAL | Level C3 | Reading and Viewing
At Level C3 students listen, question and respond successfully in a wide range of social and academic contexts. They demonstrate sufficient control of stress, rhythm and intonation to be understood in most contexts. They use appropriate non-verbal language, take account of purpose and audience...
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway A: Early immersion | EAL | Level C3 | Speaking and Listening
At Level CL students communicate simply but effectively in English in familiar social and classroom contexts. They communicate using formulaic language; short, simple and well-rehearsed grammatical features; and adaptations of their emerging English repertoire. They use stress and intonation appropriately...
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway A: Early immersion | EAL | Level CL | Speaking and Listening
At Level BL students read a wide range of familiar, short, simple, repetitive fictional and everyday texts, and complete basic structured activities based on them. These texts may be print or digital, including visual, multimodal and interactive.
Students retell a simple and familiar story...
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway B: Mid immersion | EAL | Level BL | Reading and Viewing
At Level C1 students communicate simply but effectively in English in social and classroom contexts across the curriculum. They negotiate meaning and interact with others using formulaic language; short, simple and well-rehearsed grammatical features; and creative adaptations of their English...
Level description | English | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Pathway C: Late immersion | EAL | Level C1 | Speaking and Listening
By the end of Level 4, students recognise strategies for managing change. They examine influences that strengthen identities. They investigate how emotional responses vary and understand how to interact positively with others in different situations including in physical activities. Students interpret...
Level description | Health and Physical Education | Levels 3 and 4
Students engage with a range of Indonesian texts. They are provided with opportunities for both prepared and spontaneous language use. Students interact with others. They write for public purposes and interact with Indonesian peers. They create bilingual texts for peers and the wider school community.
Level description | Languages | Indonesian | 7–10 Sequence
Students consolidate their understanding and use of regular forms and familiar grammatical structures. They expand their understanding through noticing variation and non-standard forms, for example, dialects used in the local community. They also notice exceptions to rules, for example, irregular...
Level description | Languages | Italian | F–10 Sequence
In Levels 3 and 4, students extend their understanding of key concepts of media arts such as the use of media technologies, story principles of structure, intent, character and settings, and use the media arts elements of composition and sound. They consider themselves as audiences and explore...
Level description | The Arts | Media Arts
In Levels 7 and 8, students make and respond to visual artworks. They design and create visual expressions of selected themes and concepts through a variety of visual arts forms and styles. Students develop an informed opinion about artworks based on their research of current and past artists....
Level description | The Arts | Visual Arts
In Levels 7 and 8, students research and investigate the practices and viewpoints of designers in the creation of visual communications and gain an understanding of how to visually communicate ideas to an audience. They experiment and develop their skills in creative, critical and reflective thinking...
Level description | The Arts | Visual Communication Design
Students explore Arabic sounds, intonation and writing conventions to further develop their speaking and writing skills and initial understanding of their developing biliteracy. They use key grammatical forms and structures, such as verbs, pronouns, singular/plural forms and prepositions, to provide...
Level description | Languages | Arabic | F–10 Sequence
By the end of Level D, students describe the purpose of familiar designed solutions and what needs they meet.
Students use designed solutions in at least two technologies contexts, identifying significant features.
With guidance, students create designed solutions evaluating their ideas based on...
Level description | Technologies | Design and Technologies | Level D
Students listen to and use appropriate interaction skills to respond to others in a familiar environment. They can identify rhyme, letter patterns and sounds in words. Students understand that their texts can reflect their own experiences. They identify and describe likes and dislikes about familiar...
Level description | English | Foundation Level | Speaking and Listening
By the end of Level 4, students understand that texts have different structures depending on the purpose and context. They explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used to engage the interest of audiences and can describe literal and implied meaning connecting ideas in different...
Level description | English | Level 4 | Reading and Viewing
By the end of Level 8, students understand how the selection of text structures is influenced by the selection of language mode and how this varies for different purposes and audiences. They explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used to represent different ideas and issues in...
Level description | English | Level 8 | Reading and Viewing
Students listen to discussions, clarifying content and challenging others’ ideas. They understand how language features and language patterns can be used for emphasis. They show how specific details can be used to support a point of view. They explain how their choices of language features and...
Level description | English | Level 6 | Speaking and Listening
Students' texts include writing and images to express and develop in some detail experiences, events, information, ideas and characters. They demonstrate understanding of grammar and choose vocabulary and punctuation appropriate to the purpose and context of their writing. They use knowledge letter...
Level description | English | Level 3 | Writing
Students use language features to show how ideas can be extended. They develop and explain a point of view about a text. They create imaginative, informative and persuasive texts for different purposes and audiences. When writing, they demonstrate understanding of grammar and sentence types, and...
Level description | English | Level 5 | Writing
Students show how the selection of language features can achieve precision and stylistic effect. They explain different viewpoints, attitudes and perspectives through the development of cohesive and logical arguments. They develop their own style by experimenting with language features, stylistic...
Level description | English | Level 10 | Writing