VCHHK094 | The Humanities | History | Levels 5 and 6 | Historical Knowledge | Australia as a nation
Hindi is an official language of India and Fiji. It is the most widely spoken language of the Indian subcontinent and is also widely spoken throughout the world in countries that include the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Mauritius, the Gulf countries and Australia.
Overview material | Hindi
VCASFU067 | Languages | Auslan | First Language Learner | F–10 Sequence | Levels 7 and 8 | Understanding | Systems of language
VCELT103 | Curriculum content | English | Level C | Speaking and Listening | Literature
VCMNA304 | Mathematics | Level 9 | Number and Algebra | Money and financial mathematics
VCEBC005 | The Humanities | Economics and Business | Levels 5 and 6 | Consumer and Financial Literacy
Students recognise tones as an important element of Chinese speech and learn how the sounds of Chinese can be encoded in Pinyin, using Roman letters that often convey different sounds than those which students are accustomed to in English. They learn to recognise basic character forms that represent...
Level description | Languages | Chinese | Background Language Learner | F–10 Sequence
In Levels 7 and 8, the curriculum focuses on developing the knowledge, skills and understanding to analyse thinking and the selection and application of a range of techniques to support effective thinking. Students learn strategies to assist them synthesise their thinking. Students develop an...
Level description | Capabilities | Critical and Creative Thinking
In Foundation, students explore dance and learn about how they can dance. They share their dance with peers and experience dance as audiences.
The starting point for Dance learning is ‘everyday movements’. Students learn about dancing safely and become aware of their bodies’ movement capabilities...
Level description | The Arts | Dance
By the end of Level A, students recognise common digital systems that are used to meet specific everyday purposes.
Students react to different types of data and how digital systems can be used to represent data as images.
Students recognise that routine tasks involve completing a set of steps.
Level description | Technologies | Digital Technologies | Level A
By the end of Level A, students react to a range of spoken, written and multimodal texts from familiar contexts. They respond to images of familiar people, objects or events. They fleetingly maintain eye contact with a person or object. They enjoy reading material as it is being read/experienced...
Level description | English | Level A | Reading and Viewing
By the end of Level 4, students understand that texts have different structures depending on the purpose and context. They explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used to engage the interest of audiences and can describe literal and implied meaning connecting ideas in different...
Level description | English | Level 4 | Reading and Viewing
By the end of Level 5, students explain how text structures assist in understanding the text. They understand how language features, images and vocabulary influence interpretations of characters, settings and events. They analyse and explain literal and implied information from a variety of texts...
Level description | English | Level 5 | Reading and Viewing
By the end of Level 8, students understand how the selection of text structures is influenced by the selection of language mode and how this varies for different purposes and audiences. They explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used to represent different ideas and issues in...
Level description | English | Level 8 | Reading and Viewing
By the end of Level 9, students analyse the ways that text structures can be manipulated for effect. They analyse and explain how images, vocabulary choices and language features distinguish the work of individual authors. They evaluate and integrate ideas and information from texts to form their...
Level description | English | Level 9 | Reading and Viewing
By the end of Level 10, students evaluate how text structures can be used in innovative ways by different authors. They explain how the choice of language features, images and vocabulary contributes to the development of individual style. They develop and justify their own interpretations of texts...
Level description | English | Level 10 | Reading and Viewing
Students listen to others’ views and respond appropriately using interaction skills. They understand how language features are used to link and sequence ideas. They understand how language can be used to express feelings and opinions on topics. They create a range of texts for familiar and...
Level description | English | Level 3 | Speaking and Listening
Students listen and ask questions to clarify content. They use language features to show how ideas can be extended. They develop and explain a point of view about a text selecting information, ideas and images from a range of resources. They create a variety of sequenced texts for different purposes...
Level description | English | Level 5 | Speaking and Listening
Students' texts include writing and images to express and develop in some detail experiences, events, information, ideas and characters. They demonstrate understanding of grammar and choose vocabulary and punctuation appropriate to the purpose and context of their writing. They use knowledge letter...
Level description | English | Level 3 | Writing
Students use language features to create coherence and add detail to their texts. They make use of their increasing knowledge of phonics, and they understand how to express an opinion based on information in a text. They create texts that show understanding of how images and detail can be used...
Level description | English | Level 4 | Writing