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Health and Physical Education

  1. 3-4

Levels 3 and 4

Levels 3 and 4 Description

The Levels 3 and 4 curriculum further develops students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to their health, wellbeing, safety and participation in physical activity. In these years, students begin to explore personal and social factors that support and contribute to their identities and emotional responses in varying situations. They also develop a further understanding of...

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Levels 3 and 4 Content Descriptions

Personal, Social and Community Health

Being healthy, safe and active Elaborations
  1. Examine how success, challenge and failure strengthen personal identities (VCHPEP088)
    1. examining factors that support personal achievement and development of personal identities, such as the influence of family, friends and school (MH)
    2. suggesting ways to respond positively to challenges and failure, such as using self-talk, early help-seeking behaviours, and optimistic thinking (RS, MH)
    3. persisting with new activities and examining how success through persistence can have positive outcomes and strengthen identities (RS, MH)
    4. describing how meeting challenges makes them feel good about themselves and builds confidence to try new things (MH)
  2. Explore strategies to manage physical, social and emotional change (VCHPEP089)
    1. discussing physical, social and emotional changes that occur as individuals get older, and exploring how these changes impact on how they think and feel about themselves and different situations (RS, MH)
    2. exploring how friendships change as they grow older and identifying strategies to manage change (RS)
    3. identifying people or sources of information that they can access if they have questions about the changes that are occurring (S, RS)
  3. Describe and apply strategies that can be used in situations that make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe (VCHPEP090)
    1. recognising physical responses that indicate they are feeling uncomfortable or unsafe (S)
    2. rehearsing assertive behaviours and strong non-verbal communication skills (S, RS)
    3. identifying and practising appropriate responses to unsafe situations in relation to drugs and drug use (S, AD)
    4. indicating on a local map the location of safe places and people who can help (S)
    5. examining protective behaviours to stay safe in different situations, including near water or roads, in the park or when someone makes them feel uncomfortable or unsafe in their home, at schools or in the community (S)
  4. Identify and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing (VCHPEP091)
    1. identifying how medications and other substances can be stored safely in the home and at school (S, AD)
    2. examining their own eating patterns by researching The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating and identifying healthier food choices (FN)
    3. proposing changes they can make to their daily routines to reduce sedentary behaviour and increase physical activity levels (HBPA, MH)
    4. explore and practise strategies that could be used to make the home and school environment safer (S)
    5. identifying and practising ways of behaving in the playground that ensure the safety of themselves and others (S)
Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Elaborations
  1. Describe factors that can positively influence relationships and personal wellbeing (VCHPEP092)
    1. describing behaviours that show empathy and respect for the rights of others at home, at school and in the community (RS)
    2. creating an online connection with another school and identifying similarities and differences between students (FN, RS)
    3. predicting and reflecting on how other students might feel in a range of challenging situations, and discussing what they can do to support them (RS)
    4. recognising that bullying behaviour can take many forms, in many environments, including physical, social and emotional actions and behaviours (S, RS)
  2. Investigate how emotional responses vary in family situations and in friendship groups (VCHPEP093)
    1. recognising own emotional responses and levels of their response in different situations, including home and at school (RS, MH)
    2. understanding that emotional responses vary across cultures and differ between people and different situations (RS, MH)
    3. analysing scenarios and identifying possible triggers and warning signs to predict emotional responses (RS, MH)
    4. describing strategies they can use to identify and manage their emotions before making a decision to act (S, RS, MH)
  3. Discuss and interpret health information and messages in the media (VCHPEP094)
    1. accessing different sources of health information and examining the accuracy of these sources (S, AD, FN, RS, HBPA, MH)
    2. examining health messages from different sources and exploring choices, behaviours and outcomes conveyed in these messages (S, AD, FN, RS, HBPA, MH)
    3. investigating how health messages influence health decisions (S, AD, FN, HBPA)
Contributing to healthy and active communities Elaborations
  1. Describe strategies to make the classroom and playground healthy, safe and active spaces (VCHPEP095)
    1. identifying how regular physical activity promotes health, and recognising and accessing opportunities to be active while they are at school (HBPA)
    2. creating promotional posters to display around the school containing positive health and physical activity messages (S, AD, FN, RS, AP, HBPA)
    3. establishing a small fruit and vegetable garden for the class that can be used to create healthy lunches or snacks (FN)
    4. exploring and developing responsible and sustainable classroom practices such as recycling, composting and energy saving (S, FN)
  2. Participate in outdoor games and activities to examine how participation promotes a connection between the community, natural and built environments, and health and wellbeing (VCHPEP096)
    1. participating in physical activities in natural environments in the local area and reflecting on the enjoyable components of participation (AP, HBPA, LLPA)
    2. comparing the characteristics and benefits of physical activities that can take place in a natural environment and those that take place in a built environment (AP, HBPA, LLPA, CA)

Levels 3 and 4 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 4, students recognise strategies for managing change. They examine influences that strengthen identities. They investigate how emotional responses vary and understand how to interact positively with others in different situations including in physical activities. Students interpret health messages and discuss the influences on healthy and safe choices. They understand the benefits of being fit and physically active. They describe the connections they have to their community and how these can promote health and wellbeing.

Students apply strategies for working cooperatively and apply rules fairly. They select and demonstrate strategies that help them stay safe, healthy and active at home, at school and in the community. They refine fundamental movement skills and apply movement concepts and strategies in different physical activities and to solve movement challenges. They create and perform movement sequences using fundamental movement skills and the elements of movement.

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