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Content description VCGGC062

Geography / Foundation to Level 2 / Geographical Concepts and Skills / Data and information
Content description
Interpret data and information to draw conclusions and describe the direction and location of places, using terms such as north, south, opposite, near, far
  1. using information from a range of sources, such as fieldwork observations and representation of features and places in photographs, satellite images and rock art, to answer ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions
  2. sorting transport and telecommunications technologies by time to draw conclusions about why patterns of visits to places have changed
  3. investigating and reporting findings to show the influence of distance and accessibility on the use of places now and over at least one generation
  4. describing the direction and location (near and far, above and below, beside and opposite) of familiar places
  5. writing or talking about their connection to places using appropriate directional and locational terms, including north and south
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