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Content description VCIDC057

Indonesian: F–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Communicating / Creating
Content description
Respond to aspects of imaginative texts by expressing opinions and feelings about them and comparing these with imaginative texts in own language and culture
  1. expressing personal opinions about ideas in texts such as traditional and contemporary stories and excerpts from films or video clips, for example, Menurut pendapat saya, Saya pikir (bahwa), Saya rasa, Saya suka/tidak suka…
  2. stating personal preferences about characters, attitudes and events in texts (for example, Saya paling suka/lebih suka/kurang suka…), including commenting on reactions, for example, Dia ganteng tetapi kurang sopan, Saya kurang suka gurunya karena jahat, Bapak Mira sangat lucu karena sering bercanda
  3. comparing key messages and beliefs from Indonesian and Australian texts such as creation and Dreaming stories, fables, myths and legends
  4. exploring ideas and values represented in popular culture forms across cultures, such as game shows, soap operas, songs/music clips and computer games, and commenting on similarities and differences, for example, Isu-isu remaja sama di Indonesia; Lingkungan sangat penting di Indonesia dan Australia
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