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Showing all levels Showing all strands
  1. F–10 Sequence
  2. F-2
  3. 3-4
  4. 5-6
  5. 7-8
  6. 9-10
  7. 7–10 Sequence
  8. 7-8
  9. 9-10

F–10 Sequence Foundation to Level 2

Foundation to Level 2 Description

Students learn the sounds and written form of Indonesian. They notice similarities and differences between Indonesian and English, such as similar vocabulary and word order and differences in the...

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Foundation to Level 2 Content Descriptions


  1. Participate in structured play and class activities, exchanging with peers and teacher greetings and information about self, family and interests (VCIDC001)
  2. Participate in guided group activities such as games, songs and simple tasks, using movement, gesture and pictures to support meaning (VCIDC002)
  3. Participate with teacher and peers in class routines and activities, including following instructions and taking turns (VCIDC003)
  1. Locate specific words and familiar phrases in texts such as charts, lists and songs, and use information to complete guided oral and written tasks (VCIDC004)
  2. Give factual information about self, family and significant objects using labels, captions and descriptions (VCIDC005)
  1. Participate in shared reading and play-acting, and respond through singing, chanting, action and movement (VCIDC006)
  2. Use familiar words, phrases and patterns to create captions and participate in shared performances and games (VCIDC007)
  1. Translate familiar words and phrases, using visual cues and word lists, noticing how words may have similar or different meanings (VCIDC008)
  2. Create captions, labels and statements for the immediate learning environment in both Indonesian and English (VCIDC009)
  1. Notice what may look or feel similar or different to own language and culture when interacting in Indonesian (VCIDC010)
  2. Describe aspects of self such as family, school/class, gender and language/s, noticing how these are part of one’s identity (VCIDC011)


Systems of language
  1. Reproduce the sound and spelling of the vowels and the letters c (ch) and trilled r, and recognise that Indonesian is written using the Roman alphabet (VCIDU012)
  2. Recognise questions, commands and simple subject-focus sentences, and develop vocabulary for people, places and things in their personal world (VCIDU013)
  3. Understand that language is organised as ‘text’, and recognise features of texts such as songs, chants, labels and captions (VCIDU014)
Language variation and change
  1. Recognise that ways of greeting and addressing others may change according to cultural norms (VCIDU015)
  2. Develop awareness that Indonesian and English borrow from each other (VCIDU016)
Role of language and culture
  1. Notice that the languages people use and the way they use them relate to who they are and where and how they live (VCIDU017)

Foundation to Level 2 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 2, students interact with teachers and peers through play- and action-related language. They use greetings (Selamat pagi/siang) and respond to instructions through actions (Berdirilah, Masuklah). Students pronounce the vowel sounds, and ch for c. They recognise questions (Apa? Siapa? Berapa?) and respond with ya/tidak, verbs such as ada/mau/suka/bisa/boleh, or names and numbers (up to ten). They listen to texts and identify specific words such as names of objects and people, and respond by acting or by drawing or labelling a picture. They read texts with the teacher and peers, and participate in songs and chants. They present factual information at word and simple sentence level, such as lists, labels, descriptions and sharing/news reports, relying on formulaic language...

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