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Content description VCIDC095

Indonesian: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Communicating / Reflecting
Content description
Interact with Indonesian peers and texts, noticing what and how language is being used, and considering own reactions and how these relate to own language and culture
  1. participating in intercultural experiences, including viewing (online) videos or television programs, noticing what is confusing, surprising or ‘strange’, for example, use of left hand for ‘unclean’ tasks, ‘soft’ handshake, how to say ‘please’
  2. corresponding with peers in Indonesia, such as through email, shared digital spaces or video, comparing topics of interest, language choices and expressions
  3. observing interactions between Indonesian speakers, noticing similarities and differences in politeness and etiquette, for example, use of permisi dulu; mandi dulu; mari; minta maaf
  4. recording features of language use, such as by keeping a journal about how language reflects cultural concepts and values, for example, bersama, kita (to show community); jam karet (showing fluidity of time); elision of pronouns (not foregrounding self; Mau ikut?, Mau ke mana?); and use of gender-neutral terms (dia, pacar)
  5. developing a language for describing personal reactions to and feelings about intercultural experiences, for example, suka/kurang suka/tidak suka, heran, bingung, benci, ikut/tidak ikut, sopan/tidak sopan
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