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Content description VCIDC110

Indonesian: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Translating
Content description
Translate informative and imaginative texts from Indonesian to English and vice versa, comparing own interpretations with others and discussing what differs and why
  1. translating texts such as signs, announcements, notices, songs, advertisements, or extracts from stories and films, and then comparing own translation with peers’, discussing differences between versions and considering reasons for these
  2. analysing texts for culture-specific terms and expressions (for example, masuk angin, kerok, nasi sudah menjadi bubur) and considering how best to represent these in another language
  3. analysing a familiar text in its translated form (for example, a nursery rhyme, children’s story, advertisement or web page translated into Indonesian), noticing what has or has not been effectively translated, and considering what the challenges are and how the text could be improved
  4. finding ways to represent culture-specific expressions — for example, geography (‘suburb’, RW/RT, tanah air), food (‘wheat/dairy free’, halal, gurih), and values (‘equality’, gotong royong) — such as by adding a brief description or explanation, for example, ‘pendopo, a kind of outdoor meeting area or pavilion’
  5. using print dictionaries and electronic translators to support the translation process, including doing ‘back translations’, noticing when a word or expression does or does not translate readily and considering why
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