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Content description VCIDU066

Indonesian: F–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Understanding / Language variation and change
Content description
Recognise that Indonesian has formal and informal forms and that their style and use depend on the context, purpose and audience
  1. recognising variations between formal and informal language, such as dropping the prefixes ber- and me-, for example, belanja, selancar, nonton, beli
  2. examining differences in language use according to mode, for example, the variations of ‘no’: nggak (spoken), tak (written poetry/song lyrics), tdk (abbreviation used in text messages)
  3. recognising that the use of different terms of address reflects varying levels of politeness and familiarity, such as referring to others in the third person by using Ibu, Bapak or first name
  4. comparing language structures in Indonesian and English and how these are used to create intimacy or distance, for example, the use of colloquial language or object-focus construction
  5. using intonation to shift meaning, such as to show surprise, to downplay or to exaggerate, for example, Aduh, mahal sekali! (in bargaining), Aduh, perut saya sakit (to gain sympathy), Aduh, jelek (to downplay)
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