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Content description VCIDU083

Indonesian: F–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Understanding / Language variation and change
Content description
Analyse the ways in which Indonesian varies according to spoken and written forms, cultural context and subcultures
  1. comparing spoken and written texts (for example, spoken and print advertisements, face-to-face conversations and emails) to understand how mode relates to linguistic structures and features, and how this affects meaning
  2. analysing examples of colloquial language, such as that used by sub-groups (for example, Bahasa gaul, Bahasa SMS), and comparing these to formal forms
  3. understanding how body language varies across cultures, for example, lowering body position when speaking to someone in authority to show respect; not raising voice or laughing loudly; smiling and nodding while listening to people, even when hearing bad news
  4. understanding that many Indonesians are familiar with a range of languages (for example, Bahasa baku, Bahasa daerah, Bahasa gaul and English) and can shift between these depending on the context, and considering how this compares to those who are monolingual
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