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Content description VCIDU098

Indonesian: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Understanding / Systems of language
Content description
Develop knowledge of structures and vocabulary for describing people, places and things, such as pronouns, ber- and me- verbs, adjectives, prepositions and word order
  1. identifying people using, for example, terms of address (Ibu/Bapak), pronouns (saya, kamu/Anda, dia, mereka, family members) and some pe- nouns, for example, pemain, pedagang, penjual
  2. identifying things and animals using concrete nouns, for example, school (ruang kelas, aula, tas sekolah), objects (tempat tidur, bak mandi, sepeda), places (taman, desa, hutan, pantai, mesjid) and animals (anjing, kucing, orang utan), and some nouns with
    -an suffix, for example, makanan, rambutan, lingkaran
  3. describing the qualities of people, for example, adjectives of character and appearance (gemuk, tinggi, baik hati, lucu, sopan)
  4. describing qualities, of objects and animals using adjectives (besar, kecil, panas, manis, hijau, kuning ,jinak, lucu, galak)
  5. indicating quantity using plurals, for example, buku-buku, tiga buku, banyak
  6. referring to numbers of things using cardinal numbers (puluh, belas, ratus, ribu, juta), and things in a sequence using ordinal numbers (pertama, ke-)
  7. greeting and farewelling, for example, Selamat…, Sampai jumpa
  8. telling others to do something using imperatives, for example, Duduklah, Diamlah, Ayo, Mulai
  9. indicating possession, placing possessive pronouns (saya, Anda/kamu/-mu, dia/nya, mereka) after the noun, and using ber- and mempunyai
  10. describing simple actions using base word (for example, tahu, suka naik, tidur), and ber- and me- verbs
  11. negating using tidak, bukan and belum
  12. specifying place and location, for example, di sini, di sana, di atas, di bawah
  13. describing actor, action and object using subject-verb-object construction
  14. referring to existence/presence, for example, ada, tidak ada
  15. giving directions and information about place using prepositions (di/ke, dari), and about people using the prepositions dengan, kepada
  16. locating events in time, for example, days, dates and months (hari Sabtu, bulan Juli, Hari Ulang Tahun, hari Natal, pada akhir minggu, Idul Fitri, bulan puasa), and referring to the past and future using time indicators (sebelum, sesudah, kemarin, besok)
  17. seeking information and assistance using interrogatives, for example, siapa, apa, bagaimana, berapa, dari mana, di mana, ke mana, apakah, kapan, berapa lama, jam berapa?, permisi boleh saya…
  18. joining ideas using conjunctions, for example, dan, karena, tetapi, atau
  19. expressing emotion, for example, wah, aduh, asyik, sayang, hebat
  20. expressing modality, for example, bisa, harus, boleh, mau
  21. comparing things using comparatives and superlatives, for example, lebih…daripada, paling
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