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Content description VCKOC191

Korean: F–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Socialising
Content description
Initiate, sustain and extend interactions with each other and with other familiar and less familiar people, for example, by seeking and giving advice, discussing aspirations, relationships and social and cultural issues, exchanging and reflecting on different ideas
  1. asking for and providing specific information in sustained interactions, for example, 언제 한국에 가 봤어요? 작년 여름에 갔다 왔어요, 그 때한국은 여름이 아니고 겨울이었어요, …; 크리스만 안 보이는데요? 아마 크리켓을 하고 있을 거예요
  2. following up own and others’ responses by elaborating on and extending the topic, for example, 누구하고 같이 갔어요? 가족하고 함께 갔어요; 거기에서 뭐 했어요?; 왜 저 가수를좋아해요? 노래도 잘 하고 멋있잖아요
  3. sharing ideas and making suggestions relating to own and others’ experiences, for example, 한강에서 축제를 한다고 해요. 여러분도 한번 축제에 가 보세요
  4. participating in exchanges, using communication strategies such as showing empathy, down-toning or indirectly expressing disagreement, for example, 그렇지요?; 좋았겠어요; 아마;글쎄요; 그런가요?; 아닌 것 같은데요
  5. corresponding with peers by using telephone/video calls, text messages or computer-mediated communication tools to build relationships and share views on aspects of teenage life, such as friends, responsibilities, interests, aspirations and topical issues, for example, 함께 한국에 가면 재미있을 것 같아요; 왜 숙제를 못 했어요?; 축구를 하느라고숙제를 못 했어요; 공부하느라고 바쁜 척했어요; 주말에 음악을 들으면서 책을 읽었어요; 비행기를 기다리는 동안에 인터넷을 했어요
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