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Showing all levels Showing all strands
  1. F–10 Sequence
  2. F-2
  3. 3-4
  4. 5-6
  5. 7-8
  6. 9-10
  7. 7–10 Sequence
  8. 7-8
  9. 9-10

F–10 Sequence Foundation to Level 2

Foundation to Level 2 Description

Students become familiar with the sound system of the Korean language, recognising Korean pronunciation as being different from English and other languages. They learn to pronounce syllable blocks...

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Foundation to Level 2 Content Descriptions


  1. Interact and socialise with peers and teacher to greet, introduce themselves and give basic personal information (VCKOC115)
  2. Engage in guided group activities and simple exchanges such as playing games; group singing or dancing; contributing ideas through key words, images, mimes (VCKOC116)
  3. Interact in familiar classroom routines and follow simple classroom instructions (VCKOC117)
  1. Locate specific words and expressions in simple texts such as signs, titles and captions, and use information to complete guided oral and written tasks (VCKOC118)
  2. Share simple information about themselves, known people, everyday objects and places of interest (VCKOC119)
  1. Participate in chants, choral and shared reading of short imaginative texts in audio-visual, print and digital media such as cartoons, stories or rhymes, and responding through play-acting, illustrating, miming or making short statements (VCKOC120)
  2. Create captions to images for individual presentation and participate in shared performances and imaginative activities using familiar words, phrases and language patterns (VCKOC121)
  1. Translate familiar words and phrases, using visual cues and word lists, explaining the meaning of particular words, gestures and expressions (VCKOC122)
  2. Create labels, captions or short statements in Korean and English for the immediate learning environment and for familiar objects or images (VCKOC123)
  1. Notice aspects of Korean language and culture that are ‘new’, sharing how interacting in Korean can be different to interacting in own language/s (VCKOC124)
  2. Recognise themselves as members of different groups, including the Korean class, the school, their family and community, and consider their roles within these different groups (VCKOC125)


Systems of language
  1. Recognise the sounds of the Korean language and the forms of Hangeul syllable blocks, and understand that the syllable block is the basic unit of writing in Korean, associating individual syllable blocks with their pronunciations (VCKOU126)
  2. Recognise some basic features of the Korean grammatical system, such as the verb- final rule, the sentence-final –요, and notice chunks in which a noun or pronoun is combined with a case marker as part of a sentence (VCKOU127)
  3. Notice and use simple vocabulary to identify familiar objects and to describe simple actions, states or qualities in familiar contexts (VCKOU128)
  4. Notice and identify different types of simple spoken, written and digital texts used for different purposes in familiar contexts (VCKOU129)
Language variation and change
  1. Recognise that there are different words and expressions used by Korean speakers to address and greet people in different contexts and situations (VCKOU130)
  2. Recognise that languages change continuously and borrow words from each other (VCKOU131)
  3. Recognise that Korean is one of many languages spoken in multicultural Australia and in the world (VCKOU132)
Role of language and culture
  1. Understand that ways people use language reflect their culture, such as where and how they live and what is important to them, finding examples of similarities and differences between Korean and Australian ways of communicating (VCKOU133)

Foundation to Level 2 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 2, students interact with peers and teachers through play- and action-related talk, exchanging greetings and introducing themselves (for example, 안녕하세요?; 안녕?; 저는 ...이에요/예요 used as a set phrase) with gestures. They respond to question cues (such as 뭐예요?) by naming objects with single words (for example, 눈! 코! 입! 고양이!) or using short, simple sentences as set phrases (for example, 눈이에요, 고양이예요). They respond to teacher instructions such as 따라 하세요, 일어나세요 by imitating the teacher’s actions or speech, and to the teacher’s simple closed-ended questions by giving short answers such as 있어요/없어요 or 네/아니요. They make simple requests using … 주세요 and thank each other or the teacher using 고맙습니다 with appropriate gestures. They mimic and approximate Korean pronunciation of simple words...

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