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Content description VCTRC023

Turkish: F–10 Sequence / Levels 3 and 4 / Communicating / Creating
Content description
Engage with imaginative texts such as stories, puppet shows, songs or dance, identifying favourite elements and acting out key events or interactions
  1. using movement, facial expressions and actions to interpret meaning in texts such as Karagöz ve Hacıvat or Nasrettin Hoca, identifying key messages, morals and amusing moments
  2. acting out elements of classic texts narrated by the teacher, such as Şirin Kız ve Üç Ayı, İki İnatçı Keçi, using facial expressions and actions to mirror emotions and emphasise meaning
  3. participating in group recitals of poems on special occasions such as Mother’s Day, national days, religious and cultural celebrations
  4. participating in shared and guided reading of texts such as cartoons, poems, fairytales and fables, responding to questions about characters, ideas and events
  5. responding to words of songs through movement and dance, for example, Ah benim turnam, Yeşil başlı turnam ..., Pazara gidelim...
  6. responding to traditional songs and folk music such as halay, çiftetelli, Silifke’nin yoğurdu, for example, by using wooden spoons to mark rhythm and creating and narrating their own versions of the dance
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