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  1. F–10 Sequence
  2. F-2
  3. 3-4
  4. 5-6
  5. 7-8
  6. 9-10
  7. 7–10 Sequence
  8. 7-8
  9. 9-10

F–10 Sequence Foundation to Level 2

Foundation to Level 2 Description

Students' familiarity with the spoken form of Turkish supports their introduction to the written form of the language. They become familiar with the Turkish alphabet and writing conventions, and...

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Foundation to Level 2 Content Descriptions


  1. Interact with the teacher and with peers to exchange greetings and share information about themselves, noticing ways of using language that are similar or different at home and at school (VCTRC001)
  2. Participate in guided activities such as songs, games, tasks and transactions, using movement, gestures, pictures and concrete materials to support meaning-making (VCTRC002)
  3. Recognise and respond to familiar classroom routines, such as the opening and closing of lessons, transition activities, following instructions and taking turns (VCTRC003)
  1. Locate key phrases and points of information in simple texts such as messages, announcements, charts, lists or illustrated reference materials, and use the information to complete guided oral and written tasks (VCTRC004)
  2. Convey factual information about themselves, their family, friends and experiences using simple phrases, gestures and support materials (VCTRC005)
  1. Listen to, view and participate in readings of stories, rhymes or action songs, and respond through singing, drawing, gesture and action (VCTRC006)
  2. Express imaginative experience in stories, songs, rhymes and puppet performances using sound patterns, familiar language and non-verbal forms of expression (VCTRC007)
  1. Explain in English the meaning of everyday Turkish words, phrases and gestures, noticing which are similar or different to equivalent words in English or other known languages (VCTRC008)
  2. Create simple bilingual print or digital texts, such as captioned picture dictionaries, wall charts, labels for the classroom or ID cards (VCTRC009)
  1. Notice how using Turkish and English involves some different ways of communicating and behaving (VCTRC010)
  2. Identify themselves as members of different groups, including their family, community and school, using simple statements, gestures and support materials (VCTRC011)


Systems of language
  1. Recognise and reproduce the sounds and spellings of Turkish-specific phonemes, /ı/, /ğ/, /ö/, /ü/ /ş/ and /ç/ and make connections between spoken language, alphabetic elements and written forms of the language (VCTRU012)
  2. Recognise parts of speech and frequently used words in familiar contexts and understand the basic rules of word order in simple sentences (VCTRU013)
  3. Understand that language is organised as ‘texts’ that take different forms and use different structures to achieve their purposes (VCTRU014)
Language variation and change
  1. Recognise that different words, expressions and gestures are used by speakers of Turkish to address and greet people in different contexts and situations (VCTRU015)
  2. Recognise that different languages, including Turkish, borrow words and expressions from each other (VCTRU016)
Role of language and culture
  1. Understand that people use language in ways that reflect their culture, such as where and how they live and what is important to them (VCTRU017)

Foundation to Level 2 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 2, students interact with the teacher and peers to share information about themselves and to exchange greetings, for example, Merhaba! Günaydın! Tünaydın! İyi günler! İyi akşamlar! İyi geceler! Hoşça kal! Güle güle! Hoş geldiniz! Hoş bulduk! They describe familiar objects and experiences that are important to them, for example, Benim bir köpeğim var. Onun adı Minnoş. Benim en sevdiğim oyuncak, Bugün benim doğum günüm, and compare likes and dislikes, for example, Ben çileği çok severim, Ben elmayı hiç sevmem. They use repetitive language when participating in guided activities and use movement, gestures, pictures and objects to support meaning-making, for example, by singing and performing actions to songs such as Mini mini bir kuş donmuştu. They respond to familiar...

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F–10 Sequence Levels 3 and 4

Levels 3 and 4 Description

Students' development of literacy skills progresses from supported comprehension and use of high-frequency and personally significant sight words to understanding and applying basic grammatical...

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Levels 3 and 4 Content Descriptions


  1. Participate in conversations about themselves and others, everyday routines and events at school and in their local communities (VCTRC018)
  2. Participate in shared learning experiences and transactions, such as science experiments, cooking or craft activities, creating displays or swapping items (VCTRC019)
  3. Respond to questions, directions and requests from the teacher and each other, and use questions and statements to ask for help or permission, to attract attention and to rehearse new language (VCTRC020)
  1. Locate and organise information in spoken, written and visual texts relating to personal, social and natural worlds (VCTRC021)
  2. Convey information about their home, school and community using simple statements and support materials such as photos, maps or charts (VCTRC022)
  1. Engage with imaginative texts such as stories, puppet shows, songs or dance, identifying favourite elements and acting out key events or interactions (VCTRC023)
  2. Create simple imaginative texts, such as stories, dialogues, songs or chants, which allow for exploration and enjoyment of language (VCTRC024)
  1. Identify common spoken Turkish expressions, words or gestures that translate/do not translate readily into English and words that are used in both languages (VCTRC025)
  2. Create simple bilingual texts such as signs, notices or captions for displays for the classroom and wider school community (VCTRC026)
  1. Notice and describe differences and similarities in ways of using language and interacting with people when communicating in Turkish and in English (VCTRC027)
  2. Explore their individual and group sense of identity and how this is expressed through the different languages they use (VCTRC028)


Systems of language
  1. Understand and apply the principle of vowel harmony, experiment with Turkish pronunciation, intonation and spelling patterns (VCTRU029)
  2. Understand and use key grammatical forms and structures, such as simple verb tenses, recognising how grammatical forms and functions are represented through suffixation (VCTRU030)
  3. Notice characteristic features of simple spoken, written and multimodal texts that they use in their home and community and of similar texts in English (VCTRU031)
Language variation and change
  1. Understand that language varies according to factors such as the age, gender and social position of speakers, and that it involves regional dialects and accents (VCTRU032)
  2. Recognise that languages change over time and that Turkish language is influenced by and also influences other languages and cultures (VCTRU033)
Role of language and culture
  1. Make connections between Turkish language and culture, for example, by identifying words, gestures, forms of address or expressions that reflect cultural values and practices (VCTRU034)

Levels 3 and 4 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 4, students interact with the teacher and peers to exchange information about themselves and others, everyday routines and events at school and in their local Turkish and multilingual communities. They ask and respond to questions to elicit information about each other, for example, Kendini tanıtır mısın? Nerelisin? Ailen nereden geldi? Ben Türküm ve Avustralyalıyım. Ailem Avustralya’ya İzmir’den geldi and identify wishes associated with events in their communities, for example, Bayramınız kutlu olsun! Mutluluklar dilerim. Kınan kutlu olsun! They compare preferences, for example, Futbol yerine tenis oynamak istiyorum and exchange simple written forms of social correspondence, such as invitations, messages for birthdays, Mother’s and Father’s Days, religious celebrations...

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F–10 Sequence Levels 5 and 6

Levels 5 and 6 Description

Students draw on more established grammatical and lexical resources to compose and comprehend more complex language. They recognise and use verb conjugations and common noun and adjective forming...

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Levels 5 and 6 Content Descriptions


  1. Participate in spoken, written and digital interactions to share ideas and experiences, showing interest and respect for others (VCTRC035)
  2. Plan shared activities or events, such as a display or presentation, an interview, awareness campaign or virtual shopping expedition (VCTRC036)
  3. Participate in classroom interactions that involve asking and responding to questions, seeking clarification, indicating understanding, reflecting and providing feedback (VCTRC037)
  1. Gather, classify and compare information from print, digital and multimodal resources relating to their physical environment and social and cultural worlds (VCTRC038)
  2. Convey information about aspects of their own language(s), culture(s) and communities in suitable formats for different audiences and contexts (VCTRC039)
  1. Respond to imaginative texts such as TV programs, folktales, performances or cartoons by sharing opinions on elements such as storylines, messages, characters and themes (VCTRC040)
  2. Create and perform expressive and imaginative texts such as stories, dance, skits or video clips based on a stimulus concept, theme or resource (VCTRC041)
  1. Translate simple texts from Turkish to English and vice versa, identifying elements that require interpretation rather than translation and noticing words that are similar but pronounced differently (VCTRC042)
  2. Create bilingual texts such as websites, posters, class journals and menus to support their own learning and to assist interactions with non-Turkish speakers (VCTRC043)
  1. Discuss the experience of switching between languages, noticing when they choose to use either Turkish or English and how each culture influences ways of communicating (VCTRC044)
  2. Compare their experiences of moving between Turkish and English, identifying advantages and challenges in respect to being bilingual or multilingual (VCTRC045)


Systems of language
  1. Understand the relationships between intonation and stress in Turkish, and apply this understanding to their own written and spoken language and meaning-making (VCTRU046)
  2. Recognise and apply grammatical features of spoken and written language, such as verbal conjugations and nominal declensions and modifications, negative and interrogative sentence structures and subject–verb agreements (VCTRU047)
  3. Understand how different types of text in Turkish, including prose and verse, create effects to suit different audiences (VCTRU048)
Language variation and change
  1. Understand that spoken and written forms of Turkish both vary in terms of formality according to context, purpose and audience (VCTRU049)
  2. Understand that the Turkish language has evolved and developed through different periods of influence from other languages, cultures and changes (VCTRU050)
Role of language and culture
  1. Reflect on how communities’ ways of using languages are shaped by values and belief systems, and how these may be differently interpreted by speakers of other languages (VCTRU051)

Levels 5 and 6 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 6, students use spoken and written Turkish to interact by sharing ideas and experiences, for example, 23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramında ben şiir okudum. Ramazan Bayramında dedem bana harçlık verdi. When interacting, they show interest and respect for others by actively listening and providing feedback, for example, Siz ne düşünüyorsunuz? Evet! Tabii ki. İlginç! Sen ne dersin? They use action-oriented language to make shared arrangements, organise events and complete transactions. When participating in classroom and collaborative activities, they ask and respond to questions, for example, Ben ne yapabilirim? Sen not alır mısın? Cevapları maddeler halinde yazsak daha iyi olur. and seek clarification, for example, Bu sayfayı mı okuyacaktık? They use evaluative...

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F–10 Sequence Levels 7 and 8

Levels 7 and 8 Description

Students continue to expand their range of vocabulary to domains beyond their personal experience and interests. They use a range of grammatical forms and language structures to convey more complex...

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Levels 7 and 8 Content Descriptions


  1. Initiate and sustain a range of spoken and written social interactions and personal reflections, including discussion of their experiences as members of different friendship groups or language communities (VCTRC052)
  2. Engage in shared activities in real or imagined situations that involve planning, transacting, negotiating, and taking action (VCTRC053)
  3. Interact with peers and teachers to complete learning activities and to support their own and others’ learning, by managing debate and discussion, checking understanding and reflecting on their learning (VCTRC054)
  1. Access, collate and analyse information from different print, digital and visual sources to develop deeper understanding of events, personalities or circumstances (VCTRC055)
  2. Present information and personal perspectives on issues of local or global interest, using a range of spoken, written and multimodal forms (VCTRC056)
  1. Interpret and compare representations of values, characters and events in a range of traditional and contemporary imaginative texts (VCTRC057)
  2. Present, reinterpret or create alternative versions of songs, images or stories, adapting events or characters to different modes or cultural contexts (VCTRC058)
  1. Translate and interpret short texts from Turkish into English and vice versa, comparing versions and considering how to explain elements that involve cultural knowledge or understanding (VCTRC059)
  2. Produce short bilingual texts such as digital stories, comics, blogs and contributions to newsletters or websites which capture the experience of ‘living between languages’ (VCTRC060)
  1. Consider their use of Turkish and English in different contexts, considering how their choices position them as intercultural communicators (VCTRC061)
  2. Consider how their personal biography, including family origins, traditions, interests and experiences, shapes their sense of identity and influences their ways of communicating (VCTRC062)


Systems of language
  1. Recognise and use appropriate features of Turkish sound and writing systems to produce texts that include specialised and less familiar language (VCTRU063)
  2. Understand and use grammatical forms and structures such as reduplication, auxiliary verbs, particles and honorific forms, using metalanguage to identify or explain forms, structures and parts of speech (VCTRU064)
  3. Understand the influence of purpose, audience and context on the structure and organisation of texts, and apply this understanding to interpret unfamiliar texts (VCTRU065)
Language variation and change
  1. Understand the nature of regional and national variations in language use and that language varies according to context, mode of delivery and relationship between participants (VCTRU066)
  2. Understand how their own use of Turkish in social, school and community contexts has changed over time, discussing reasons for changes or adaptations (VCTRU067)
Role of language and culture
  1. Understand that language is not neutral and that its forms and usage reflect cultural values, ideas and perspectives (VCTRU068)

Levels 7 and 8 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 8, students use spoken and written Turkish to initiate and sustain social interactions and to reflect on their experiences. They exchange ideas on topics such as Türkiye’ye ilk ziyaret, Avustralya’ya ilk geliş and offer and justify opinions, for example, Sana katılmıyorum çünkü..., Seninle tamamen aynı fikirdeyim. Students use action-related and spontaneous language to engage in shared activities that involve planning, transacting, negotiating and taking action, for example, Bana göre... Diğeri bence daha uygun, Nasıl bir yol izleyelim? Sen karar ver. They use reflective and evaluative language to support their own and others’ learning, for example, Türkçe öğrenmek İngilizce öğrenmekten daha kolay, Bu sorularda çok zorlandım, Hem tekrar ederek hem yazarak öğreniyorum, a...

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F–10 Sequence Levels 9 and 10

Levels 9 and 10 Description

Students extend their grammatical knowledge to a range of forms and functions that give them control of more complex elements of text construction and word formation. They analyse functions of affixation...

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Levels 9 and 10 Content Descriptions


  1. Exchange ideas, opinions and aspirations , comparing views, preferences and responses to different experiences, noting commonalities and differences (VCTRC069)
  2. Participate in activities that involve taking action, transacting, problem-solving, negotiating and managing different opinions and perspectives (VCTRC070)
  3. Ask and respond to questions that invite reflection, analysis and comparison of experiences, for example, as learners and users of Turkish in and out of school (VCTRC071)
  1. Research, synthesise and evaluate information on a selected subject from a range of perspectives and sources, identifying how culture and context affect how information is presented (VCTRC072)
  2. Present information related to social and cultural issues or events of interest to their peer group, using different modes and formats to capture different perspectives (VCTRC073)
  1. Analyse how expressive and imaginative texts create aesthetic, humorous or emotional effects in ways that reflect cultural influence (VCTRC074)
  2. Create a range of imaginative or expressive texts that reflect elements of their experience of living in Turkish- and English-speaking communities, and using language for humorous or emotive effect (VCTRC075)
  1. Compare translations of familiar Turkish texts, such as community notices or literary texts, considering factors that may have influenced the translation from one language to the other (VCTRC076)
  2. Create glossaries and annotations in English that provide explanations for cultural and contextual references in contemporary and traditional Turkish texts (VCTRC077)
  1. Reflect on their language choices and styles of communicating when interacting with speakers of different languages, identifying strategies that assist in intercultural communication (VCTRC078)
  2. Reflect on the relationship between language, culture and identity and on how this shapes and reflects ways of thinking and communicating (VCTRC079)


Systems of language
  1. Understand regular and irregular elements of spoken and written Turkish, and use elements such as affixation and compound patterns to produce complex phrases and elaborated texts and to participate in extended interactions (VCTRU080)
  2. Analyse how grammatical elements, such as rules of agglutination and cohesive devices, impact on more complex elements of text construction and word formation, such as mood, register and tense variation (VCTRU081)
  3. Know how to construct different types of texts to suit different contexts, purposes and audiences, incorporating appropriate cultural and contextual elements (VCTRU082)
Language variation and change
  1. Understand that variations in the use of spoken and written Turkish relate to social roles, communities and contexts, and consider how and why these differ from similar variations in the use of Australian English (VCTRU083)
  2. Understand that Turkish and other languages and cultures continuously change over time, identifying influences such as education, changing values, new technologies and intercultural exchange (VCTRU084)
Role of language and culture
  1. Explore how the Turkish language and associated cultures, like all languages and cultures, are interrelated, how they shape and are shaped by each other in ways that change over time (VCTRU085)

Levels 9 and 10 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 10, students use spoken and written Turkish to initiate, sustain and extend interactions with peers, teachers and others in a range of contexts and for a range of purposes. They exchange ideas, opinions and aspirations, for example, Türkçe öğretmeni olmak istiyorum. They use analytical and comparative language when comparing views, preferences and responses to different experiences, for example, Doktorluğu tercih ederim çünkü doktor olunca Türkçe konuşmak çok yararlı olacak. They use spontaneous language to participate in activities that involve taking action, transacting, problem-solving, negotiating and managing different opinions and perspectives, for example, Bazıları böyle düşünse de ben tamamen farklı düşünüyorum. They extend discussions and justify their views...

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7–10 Sequence Levels 7 and 8

Levels 7 and 8 Description

Students recognise and use key elements of Turkish grammar, such as word order, positions of adjectives, adverbs and postpositions, and recognise how grammatical forms and functions are represented...

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Levels 7 and 8 Content Descriptions


  1. Interact with peers and teacher to socialise, exchange information and opinions, talk about personal worlds (VCTRC086)
  2. Plan and participate in collaborative activities such as performances, displays and events which involve planning, transacting and negotiating (VCTRC087)
  3. Interact in classroom routines and exchanges, such as asking and responding to questions, requesting help, repetition or permission, giving praise or encouragement (VCTRC088)
  1. Identify key points of information such as details about people, places or events in a range of spoken, written and digital texts and use the information in new ways (VCTRC089)
  2. Convey information, obtained from personal, community and media sources relating to their own cultural, social and environmental contexts, using spoken, written and digital modes of communication (VCTRC090)
  1. Engage with imaginative and creative texts such as stories, cartoons, poems and songs, identifying favourite elements and discussing events, characters and messages (VCTRC091)
  2. Reinterpret or create texts that involve imagination and creativity, experimenting with a range of expressive and performance genres (VCTRC092)
  1. Translate and interpret familiar texts such as public signs, song titles or menus from Turkish to English and vice versa, noticing which words or phrases translate easily and which do not (VCTRC093)
  2. Create shared bilingual texts and learning resources such as word banks, glossaries, displays and digital presentations (VCTRC094)
  1. Consider similarities and differences in ways of communicating in Turkish and English, noticing how/when they choose to use either language or both languages (VCTRC095)
  2. Consider the nature of identity and of cultural experience, reflecting on how their linguistic and cultural background contributes to their sense of identity (VCTRC096)


Systems of language
  1. Understand the relationship between the sounds, rhythms, stress and intonation patterns of spoken Turkish, and recognise elements of the written language, such as spelling patterns, agglutination, vowel harmony and symbols (VCTRU097)
  2. Recognise and use key elements of Turkish grammar, such as word order, positions of adjectives, adverbs and postpositions and sentence structures, recognising how grammatical forms and functions are represented through agglutination (VCTRU098)
  3. Identify features that characterise different types of texts in Turkish, comparing them with similar texts in English (VCTRU099)
Language variation and change
  1. Understand that Turkish language use varies according to factors such as age, gender, social position or regional variation (VCTRU100)
  2. Recognise that the Turkish language has evolved and developed through different periods of time, across different contexts and as a result of different influences and interactions, and that it is related to many other languages and has influenced other languages used in the Australian community (VCTRU101)
Role of language and culture
  1. Understand the relationship between language and culture, reflecting on how language reflects personal and community experience and values, and may be differently interpreted by speakers of other languages (VCTRU102)

Levels 7 and 8 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 8, students interact with the teacher and peers to exchange information and express opinions, for example, Arkadaşlarımla sinemaya gitmeyi severim. They use descriptive and expressive language to share feelings and to express preferences such as Suyu gazoza tercih ederim. Students use action-related and rehearsed language to engage in shared activities that involve planning, collaborating, transacting and negotiating, for example, Haftada kaç kez … yapıyorsun? … hakkında ne düşünüyorsun? They interact in classroom routines and exchanges by asking and responding to questions, for example, Ben ne yapabilirim? Sen not alır mısın?, requesting help or permission, for example, Sence bu doğru mu? Tekrar eder misiniz? Arkadaşlar bakar mısınız? Bunu nasıl yapacağız? and giving...

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7–10 Sequence Levels 9 and 10

Levels 9 and 10 Description

Students understand and use more elaborated grammatical structures, such as verb moods, auxiliary verbs and particles. They recognise and use different types of formal and informal honorific forms, such as

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Levels 9 and 10 Content Descriptions


  1. Exchange views and information on local and global issues, including aspects of their own lives, such as family relationships and responsibilities, education and community (VCTRC103)
  2. Participate in individual and collaborative projects and learning experiences that involve brainstorming, negotiating, transacting, problem-solving and action (VCTRC104)
  3. Contribute to structured discussions and shared learning experiences by asking and responding to questions, clarifying statements, demonstrating understanding, expressing agreement or disagreement and reflecting on their learning (VCTRC105)
  1. Organise and classify information compiled from different sources in different modes of presentation, re-presenting chosen elements in formats suitable for particular audiences (VCTRC106)
  2. Present information collected from different sources that represents different perspectives on selected issues or activities, using appropriate modes of presentation to suit different contexts and purposes (VCTRC107)
  1. Respond to a range of traditional and contemporary creative and imaginative texts, describing settings, identifying key themes and values and discussing the representation of characters and events (VCTRC108)
  2. Create imaginative texts in different modes and formats to entertain, convey ideas and express emotions for particular audiences (VCTRC109)
  1. Translate and interpret a range of texts, including conversational exchanges, proverbs, media and literary texts, considering the role of culture when transferring meaning from one language to the other (VCTRC110)
  2. Produce bilingual texts for the school or wider community, such as instructions, presentations, commentaries or contributions to newsletters that capture the experience of ‘living between languages’ (VCTRC111)
  1. Reflect on their own and others’ language choices when interacting in bilingual/bicultural situations, identifying adjustments they make and strategies they adopt to assist in intercultural communication (VCTRC112)
  2. Reflect on the relationship between language, culture and identity, and how this shapes and reflects ways of communicating and thinking (VCTRC113)


Systems of language
  1. Understand and apply features of the Turkish sound and writing systems, including pronunciation and spelling patterns, to produce different types of texts and to participate in extended interactions (VCTRU114)
  2. Understand and use grammatical forms such as verb moods, auxiliary verbs, particles and honorific forms, and use metalanguage to identify or explain language forms, structures and conventions (VCTRU115)
  3. Know how to construct different types of texts to suit different contexts, purposes and audiences, incorporating appropriate cultural elements (VCTRU116)
Language variation and change
  1. Understand that variations in the use of spoken and written Turkish relate to roles, relationships and contexts, and consider how and why these differ from similar interactions in English (VCTRU117)
  2. Investigate changes to Turkish over time and across contexts, reflecting on changes in their personal use of the language (VCTRU118)
Role of language and culture
  1. Understand that the Turkish language and associated cultures shape and are shaped by each other in ways that change over time and across contexts, and that cultural experience, values and identities are reflected in language (VCTRU119)

Levels 9 and 10 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 10, students interact in written and spoken Turkish to exchange and compare views and experiences on personal, local and global issues, for example, liseyi bitirince Türkiye’de üniversiteye gitmek istiyorum, okulu bitirdikten sonra seyahat etmek istiyorum. They use action-related and spontaneous language to engage in shared activities that involve brainstorming, transacting, negotiating, problem-solving and taking action, for example, Nasıl bir yöntem izleyelim? Bence bu yöntemi izlersek daha uygun, Sen nasıl uygun görürsen. They offer opinions, for example, bana göre, and justify them, for example, şöyle ki, Haklısın ama bence …. They engage in structured discussions by asking and responding to questions, for example, görüşünü destekleyecek kanıtın var mı? and expressing...

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