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Content description VCTRC070

Turkish: F–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Communicating / Socialising
Content description
Participate in activities that involve taking action, transacting, problem-solving, negotiating and managing different opinions and perspectives
  1. organising an event, such as an information evening or social media forum to raise awareness of community, environmental or ethical issues, such as the importance of learning languages, social harmony or waste management, brain-storming and allocating roles and responsibilities
  2. transacting for real or hypothetical goods and services, for example, reviewing online shopping sites, discussing issues such as value, availability, competition and ethical sourcing
  3. solving problems that arise during collaborative learning experiences by discussing ideas, weighing up alternatives and negotiating shared decisions
  4. conducting simulated job interviews as either the employer or prospective employee, observing expected professional protocols, for example, İş deneyimlerinizden bahseder misiniz?
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