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Content description VCTRU067

Turkish: F–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Understanding / Language variation and change
Content description
Understand how their own use of Turkish in social, school and community contexts has changed over time, discussing reasons for changes or adaptations
  1. identifying changes in their ways of communicating in Turkish as a result of influences such as social media, popular culture, technology and intercultural experience, for example, the use of acronyms, emoticons, ‘selfies’ in text messaging, and of abbreviations such as nbr (ne haber), tmm (tamam), slm (selam), kib (kendine iyi bak), bye (güle güle) and aeo (Allaha emanet ol)
  2. reflecting on how their use of language develops as they grow older and as they communicate in different contexts, with different people, for different purposes, discussing how speaking more than one language provides additional resources for making meaning
  3. monitoring their own and others’ use of new forms of language, behaviour and self-expression across different contexts such as school and social worlds, including virtual forms of communication
  4. investigating changes in their use of Turkish in wider contexts, for example, as a result of increased exposure to Turkish-language media in Australia, comparing the language used in various television dramas to their own use of the language in daily life
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