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Content description VCTRU099

Turkish: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 7 and 8 / Understanding / Systems of language
Content description
Identify features that characterise different types of texts in Turkish, comparing them with similar texts in English
  1. comparing features of different types of texts encountered in and out of school, considering differences in structure, layout, language features and register; for example, the use of imperatives and instructional language in recipes or directions; expressive language and rhythm in poetry or song lyrics; the use of abbreviations and emoticons in text messaging
  2. identifying characteristic elements of texts associated with national, religious or cultural events, such as festivals or weddings, for example, formulaic and respectful language such as bayramınız kutlu olsun, Allah analı babalı büyütsün, Allah mesut etsin, Allah kavuştursun, comparing with typical elements or features of equivalent texts in English
  3. identifying differences between spoken and written forms of familiar text types, such as invitations, apologies or greetings, noticing variations in grammar, structure and cohesion, for example, sizleri de aramızda görmekten mutluluk duyarız, mutlaka gelin, affınızı rica ederim, çok üzgünüm
  4. comparing features of texts that share a purpose but use different modes of communication, for example, by explaining how and why a text message is different to a phone call, or a puppet show to a written story
  5. recognising conventions relating to structure and composition in Turkish poetry, for example, by identifying patterns of rhythm, rhyme, repetition and meter in poems by Orhan Veli Kanık, Yunus Emre
  6. selecting excerpts of favourite comedy routines or cartoons to demonstrate how creative and performative texts use imagery, satire and expression to create mood, tap into emotions and engage and entertain an audience
  7. developing metalanguage to talk about texts, for example, by referring to textual elements such as structure, mood, register, and by identifying features of text types, for example, mektuba hitap ile başlanır, elektronik mesajda kısaltmalar kullanılır
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