Turkish: 7–10 Sequence / Levels 9 and 10 / Understanding / Language variation and change
Content description
Understand that variations in the use of spoken and written Turkish relate to roles, relationships and contexts, and consider how and why these differ from similar interactions in English
demonstrating the use of different language styles, features and levels of formality that characterise different types of spoken and written texts, for example, futbol maçındaki tezahürat: En büyük Fener, başka büyük yok! compared to Okul karnesi: Murat ödevlerini hep zamanında tamamladı
identifying variations in the use of both Turkish and English according to context, purpose and intended audience, for example, considering differences in exchanges such as ‘apologies for any convenience caused’, ‘I am so sorry’; ‘sorry mate –no worries!’ and kusurumuza bakmayın lütfen, çok özür dilerim anneciğim, rica ederim, lafı mıolur!, ne olur affedin beni
identifying features of spoken and written language that reflect the purpose of the interaction and the nature of the relationship between the people involved, for example, tercih etmiyorum-hiç beğenmedim, bana göre değil- bana yaramaz, Daha iyi olabilirdi-Ay, çok iğrenç! Bunları niye yıkamadın oğlum? Şunu da alır mısın yavrucuğum?
recognising differences in the use of quotations, proverbs and idioms in different text genres or modes of delivery, for example, fıkralar, masallar, öyküler, resmi veya okul konuşmaları, mektuplar
analysing the use of appropriate language in different contexts and situations, for example, using rica ederim, başka bir arzunuz var mı at a shop or restaurant as opposed to başımızın üstünde yeriniz var, ne zahmeti canım!
recognising characteristic differences between spoken and written forms of Turkish, for example, by identifying colloquialisms and expressions used mainly in spoken conversation, for example, the non-standard abi in place of the more formal ağabey, or the use of ya at the beginning of spoken utterances